Posts Tagged: 'game+information'

Dec. 26th, 2010



[No Subject]

Merry Christmas everyone! And only a day late.

I know that, once the post-holidayness settles down, everyone's dying to get some roleplay in. I know I am. One idea that I had was that, once or twice a month, we all get together and try doing group scenes at Avarice/Eden/The Vault/Chloe's Sugar Shack. Helps more characters get to know one another. I say only once or twice a month because I know most of us work or go to school, plus at least one set of us has a child now (shout out to Nikki and Jim!), so I think keeping it back to once or twice a month may be a good way to keep from sucking up everyone's valuable time.

Also, once the Abbadon plot is wrapped up (where are you at on that, Dan?), I know I'm DYING for some light, fluffy, goofy plot. Give everyone a momentary break that doesn't involve the apocalypse or serious maiming of main characters. Well...sometimes maiming is fun, but you understand what I mean. A small break from drama.

Dan suggested zombies. What do the rest of you think?

And that ends my ramble for the day.

Nov. 18th, 2010




if everyone would be so kind as to double check their part of the directory and comment with any changes, things I just plain got wrong, and or additions or subtractions, that would make me happier than you could ever imagine. directory

Apr. 18th, 2010



Game Rewards

So, I mentioned the idea a while back about doing character rewards. What you'll receive is a banner, made by me (so only somewhat good, but shut the hell up), if you win a reward. I'm going to try and do this every three months or so, just so that it doesn't get too heavy on me.

So, first question is...what catagories should we do? Some ideas I had:

Best couple
Character you love to hate (b/c of their evilness)
Favorite Scene
Favorite One-Liner
Character Most Likely to End up in Jail
Funniest character
Funniest scene

Some will only be done once, and some will be done over and over again. I think we'll go with a mix. If any of you guys have any ideas, throw them up here for me.

Mar. 5th, 2010



What Happens When Your Characters Stage a Revolt

So, Dan and I were letting Mere and Ash post on Dear Mun on LJ (I'm sure you can figure out which is which), and, well, they sort of staged a protest against us about Lucy. So...we're bringing her back. We think we have a way that works that will make all parties happy, and won't be completely retarded. So, everyone will be happy again, and things will be back to normal. No one but the main characters (you can decide personally if your character remembers or not) will remember that Lucy ever died. Her parents, the general public? They won't remember. This is just so that our lives are easier.

And, for the record, I will be playing her, so that she will never have to be written out of the game AGAIN!!!!

Feb. 24th, 2010



Personal Character Listing

Inspired by this post, I created a personal character listing on the profile of my main journal ([info]ehazcharacters) and I thought perhaps maybe others might be interested in doing this as well. Especially for those of you who have one journal for all your characters, or if you just want one place to store the bare bones information of all your characters! :D

I used a table icon generator and then edited the crap out of the code. For those of you who might not be HTML savvy, I am more than happy to do the coding and then email you a .txt file where all you need to do is copy and paste it into the Bio section of the Profile text box. That is, of course, if any of you are interested in doing this. If you are, don't hesitate to contact me on AIM or Email me!

♥ Erin

Feb. 4th, 2010



Into every game a little rain must fall.


Well... as you know now, effective immediately, Amy has chosen to withdraw from our game. She played quite a few characters, but I know that, story-wise, the loss of Bella, Patience, Lucy, Luke, and Jason will really hurt.

We're currently figuring out what to do with the characters, as Luke is the only one she asked us to put aside (on the odd chance she chooses to return). If there's any of them you're interested in possibly playing, contact me, and we'll discuss it.

I know this is a huge blow to us, both IC and OOC, as Amy was both a big part of the game, and a valued member of our little family. But as we did when Becca and Jaime left us, we'll get through this, and move on.

I love you guys, all of you. This may be a game... but you're ALL family to us. Never forget that.

Sep. 23rd, 2009



[No Subject]

Hey everyone. If you haven't already, you need to add your characters to the master list here. Jen was awesome enough to make a large pretty post with people's characters on it, but it's not complete! Go, do what you must to make it complete!

Sep. 18th, 2009


A modest proposal: In-Game calendar

Hi, folks ... Jim here.

I really, really love the relaxed feel of the game, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in managing the temporal aspects of the game.

The year is 2000, and I think that up until now, the way things work is that real-life day and date for the muns translates to the equivalent day and date in 2000.

In other words, today is September 18, 2009. The in-game date is September 18, 2000. Now, September 18 was not a Friday in 2000, but in-game, it is.

This may not sound like a big deal, but it does enable events to be planned out more accurately. If Reagan High is having a dance, it can be scheduled for October 2nd, placing it on a Friday night, and right about the correct time of the season for Homecoming. It allows scheduling of concerts for the bands, end of semester for schools, etc., in such a way that everyone knows what's coming up and can plan their storylines and offhand comments accordingly.

Maybe we could do a monthly "Upcoming Events" post, and the mods and players could tag in with dates for upcoming events?

Just brainstorming on this, really ... please tag in if you have something to say about it.