Posts Tagged: 'drabble+challenge'

Jan. 29th, 2011



Drabble Challenge Reminder #2

I'd just like to remind everyone that participants in this month's drabble challenge need to submit their tables over the weekend. Technically myself, Dan, and Jess should have announced the winners today, but because I got distracted with other RPGs and offline interests, I'm extending the deadline to this Monday, January 31st. At that time, the Challenger (me), Jess, and Dan will judge the submissions and announce the winners.

To submit your tables, please copy the code from here and paste it here (via comment). If you have questions, either comment this post or send me an IM at thatothererin.

Jan. 17th, 2011



Drabble Challenge Reminder

Hey everyone!

I'm just reminding those participating in this months drabble challenges have 6 more days to write the necessary drabble(s). On January 23rd, submissions will be closed to both the Drabble Word and Drabble On challenges, judging will commence, winner(s) will be announced on January 29th.

Here is a table I'd like everyone to use when
submitting the links to their drabbles:

Click here to see an example )
Leave a comment if you have questions.

Dec. 31st, 2010



Drabble Challenge


I can see why there might be some confusion, lol. Toward the end of the table, I kind of contradict myself so I'll clarify; What I meant at the beginning under "The Goal of a Drabble" is if you can't write the drabble or a drabble without involving just the character assigned, a participant won't be penalized for involving another character in the drabble.

For example, I've done a drabble for the word "Disappearance" that involves Lilith's reaction in dealing with Michael's disappearance. I could have gone an entirely different way with the drabble and involved another character, such as Jacob Mitchell for example, and had him question her about her lover having been kidnapped.

So why do I ask you to list more than one character for the Drabble Word? Because therein lies part of the challenge. You may have given me three characters you want to write for, but I end up picking a character you've listed that you might not always write a lot for.

I hope this clarifies things, but if you still have questions or don't understand something please let me know.

Dec. 27th, 2010



Drabble Challenge?

I've noticed a couple of people have started this on their own already, but I thought it might be fun and great way for us to develop our characters further by doing a monthly drabble challenge. A word from this table* could be chosen and five characters could be picked from a lottery (or five players can volunteer one character each) and write a 100 to 300+ word drabble. The best drabble could be picked or something. --shrugs--

*Yes, the table is incomplete. I've broken mine up into parts, otherwise the table itself would be ginormous. XD