Posts Tagged: 'activity+check'

Mar. 11th, 2010



Activity Check

What's an activity check, you might ask. Well, an activity check is where you reply to a post saying that you are alive and what characters that you are keeping. Because of a recent flux that I will speak no more of now, we've had people pick up characters and drop characters and such, and there are a few of you that I haven't heard from in a while. So, what you do is reply and say 'It's (fill in your name here) and I have (these people). If you haven't already, if you want to put a character on hiatus, this would be a good time to do it.

P.S. If you don't do this in two weeks time, I'm writing you out of the game. So...I suggest you do it.

Sep. 30th, 2009



Check In

Is everyone doing alright this week? I know Dan's sick as a dog, and it took me forever to both talk with my doctor and get my medication (I finally got it today after nearly killing a Walmart pharmacy clerk). Activity has pretty much died, and I just wanted to check on the rest of you.

It's OK if stuff is going on in your life. It's just that, since I know every one of you, some of you very well, even, I worry when I see nothing from you for a few days. Luckily, in a day or two, my meds will be back in my system and I'll be normal and functioning properly again. However, I want to know about you guys.