Posts Tagged: 'game+advertisements'

Oct. 19th, 2010



Doing This as a Favor

A friend of mine is starting a Harry Potter RP on Livejournal. Everyone here knows that I know jack and shit about Harry Potter, but I know some of you are fans. If you're interested, go to Expelliarmus RP over at Livejournal and take a looksie.

Now that I'm thinking of it, if anyone is interested in joining a crossover of Buffy with either True Blood, Doctor Who, or Supernatural, let me know and I'll give you the game links to them. All are canon character games only, but I think you may be able to convince them to let in a new slayer or two in the True Blood one, since it takes place post-Chosen. That would at least be worth asking.

Buffy/Supernatural: Wild Horses RPG
Buffy/Doctor Who: Buffy Who?
Buffy/True Blood: Chosen No More

May. 24th, 2010



Anyone Like the New Doctor Who?

Well, with a few friends, I'm starting up a Doctor Who/Torchwood/BtVS/Angel (yes, I *know* that's a lot of slashes) game that could use more Torchwood and Doctor Who characters (and some BtVS and Angel chars, too!), and I personally think you're all more than worthy of playing there. So, this is my personal invite to apply. The app isn't hard, although, for the writing sample, two solid paragraphs is required. It's also a canon character game, only, so no originals. So, if anyone is into Doctor Who/Torchwood, or just wants to play a canon character somewhere (and WHY aren't you already doing it here, HMM?), go and apply!