August 2010



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Jul. 25th, 2010


WHO: Helena and Sam
WHAT: Stuff! Meeting again, advice, maybe a cake. Who knows!
WHERE: Elevator and then somewhere
WHEN: Sometime before Full Moon
WARNINGS: None! I think.

Helena's days were passing by quietly and that was just how she liked them. )


Who: Lotte and Theo
What: The I-Hear-Voices Club
Where: Lobby
When: Sometime during the last month. Who knows?
Warnings: Crazy.

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. – Robin Williams )


Who: Vaughn & Isobel
What: A first meeting.
Where: In a dream.
When: Let’s say night before the moon.
Warnings: TBD.

True beautiful one, what have you gone and done? )


Who: Joanie and Javert (with a brief appearance by Luther and some NPCs)
What: The Smackdown of the Century: Javert vs. Joanie.
Where: Joanie’s neighborhood in SC.
When: Evening of July 26th
Warnings: Fighting, Swearing, Mind-fuckery, Angst.

They stake the odds til we take to the streets. )


moon transformation post

Who: Everyone!
What: Full Moon Transformation Post
Where: All over.
When: Moonrise on the 28th.
Warnings: All kinds, I expect.

Moonlight streamed through the windows of the building, washing the city in pale light. For the tenants of Bellum Letale, where ever they were, scattered in the night, it had a tangible effect.

Change rippled through the building, not simply a twitch in the fabric of things, gone in the blink of an eye. It was a rolling change, gradual as the moonrise, tangible, and, in some cases, likely terrifying in its inexorability. People became what they were, what they ought to have been, and what they weren't.

The moon was up, and trouble was about to run high in Bellum.

Jul. 24th, 2010


Who: Lily & Oliver.
What: En route to elsewhere, Lily fatefully discovers the odd, impolite nature of the elevator and its hiccups.
Where: The elevator, and then maybe the hall. Maybe the lobby.
When: Afternoon.

All lacy and spattered with blood. )


Who: Hannah and James
What: Dinner
Where: 501
When: Backdated, I think... idk. Let's keep it vague and say one of these Saturdays in the evening
Warnings: None yet

is it ever just dinner? )

Jul. 23rd, 2010


Who: Isobel and Archer
What: A visit to the hospital
Where: County Hospital
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: None to speak of

Someday you will find me, caught beneath the landslide, in a champagne supernova in your mind... )


Who: Miles and Real!Vaughn.
What: Sometime during the night, Miles, and two people who will not be named (but the identity of which through logic might be inferred easily.) were in the process of, well, stealing, and now they're done and seek carbonation.
Where: Mainly, the hallways.
When: Very, very late.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. )


Who: Luther, Joanie, and Joanie's family
What: A big family dinner
Where: Charleston, South Carolina
When: July 23rd, at dinnertime
Warnings: Extreme funny

We now arrive at the part of our story wherein hilarity ensues. )

Jul. 22nd, 2010


Who: Xavier & Lucas
What: Nightmare
Where: Dreamland
When: The night after this
Warnings: Absolutely terrifying shit.

Way-hey up she rises! )


Who: Cole and Ileana
What: Dreamscape assurance that they're both still alive
Where: From where they are to their dream
When: Backdated to Saturday night of last week
Warnings: Creepy killer-y things, depressingness, and potentially making Des cry.
Notes: I'm issuing a formal apology to Des so she doesn't break my knees.

Cole had been missing now for almost a full week and she had been running in to every roadblock due to this building. )

Jul. 21st, 2010


Who: LXG! (Lucas, Xavier, and Gina)
What: Dinner
Where: D2
When: Wednesday at 6
Warnings: Xavier's thoughts will most likely be more violent than 300, both Kill Bill movies, and Natural Born Killers smashed together.

How nice it is to have a dinner amongst friends that harbor no resentment towards one another in the slightest! )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Who: Aiden and Joanie
What: Chillin'
Where: 703
When: Sometime after Aiden runs into Vlad
Warnings: These guys are total douchebags

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. )


Who: Bran and Lotte
What: Story time
Where: 1206
When: The Wednesday after the Fail!Moon
Warnings: Angst, but watch this space.

Let's pretend that we are the same. )

Jul. 19th, 2010


Who: Tegan and Nicky (and anyone else that wants to jump in)
What: Coming home from the hospital & regaining some memories
Where: Hospital -> Bellum (Lobby & 1st floor)
When: Um... dunno? Now? Or a few days ago? Around this time.
Warnings: Cuteness and then probably traumatic flashbacks.
Notes: If anyone is jonesing to have their character wander through once Tea and Nicky hit Bellum, lemme know for sure. :-)

Home Sweet Home? )


Who: Vlad and Oliver
What: An unexpected run-in that is not at all awkward
Where: The lobby/elevator
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: None?

The building had a really sick sense of humor )


Who: Xavier Edward & Gina
What: Dream times
Where: Dreamland
When: The night before the epic Xavier/Gina/Lucas dinner.
Warnings: Angst. This should be a given with Xavier

Why don't you crash into me, baby? )


Who: Luther, Archer, and Isobel
What: A legal kidnapping
Where: 906 --> Hospital --> We will see
When: July 18th, Evening
Warnings: Watch this space.

'When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.' - Woody Allen )

Jul. 18th, 2010


Who: Sam et Kermit.
What: Wooing and courting. And other stuff.
Where: 703. Oh hey! He's going to surprise her and come down.
When: The night of this.
Warnings: Probably nothing above a PG-13 level but if Joanie becomes a woman in this thread, I'll make sure to let everyone know.

If the world would fall apart in a fiction-worthy wind, I wouldn't change a thing now that you're here. )

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