The plaque on the wall says:
On this group of lovers four,
Fate has come and closed the door.
The wedding bells chime times two,
One chime for each two of you.
Obsessions all, obsessions one,
Share yours before the hour is done.
Should your confessions truthful be,
The wedding feast shall come to thee.
The confessionals are in the rear,
Go forth, if you have naught to fear.
One more caveat for you lot:
A double wedding this is not,
It's up to you who ties the knot.The room resembles a bright, airy church, and the four people within it are dressed for a wedding. The pews are filled with faceless party guests, and while there is no ancient mariner who stops one of three, there is a cleric at the altar in black robes, which waits for them. Should all four approach the altar, they will be ignored and the cleric will not begin the service - nothing will happen.
The women are dressed as brides and the men as grooms. Any attempt to leave the church will result in entering the church again, over and over, ad infinitum.
( Directions. )