August 2010



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May. 26th, 2010


Group Lock

[ Group lock to 1203A, 1204, 1104A, 802, 706, 401, 605, R1, 202 ]

Okay, so the "first floor panic room" idea is a go. Luther and I will be starting set-up really soon so we can get this ready for the moon.

Now in the interest of "Going Green," I am giving you all the opportunity to help the environment at the same time as we keep the crazies in Bellum from eating each other. I need materials, and I can use pretty much anything. Cardboard boxes, old papers, newspaper, bottles, cans, whatever. Packing peanuts work. Basically anything that isn't rancid or decomposing.

If you have some junk you want to get rid of, bring it down to 109 on the first floor. I'll be there in about an hour and will probably be there the entire time between then and the full moon. Bring a can of coke with every donation and I might love you a little bit.


And if anybody asks what you're doing, please say you're just taking out the trash.


- Your Friendly Supplier

May. 25th, 2010



Locked to R1
Need a key to your boutique.

Locked to 206
[After this]
You still at the flower shop? Is Ella okay? I'll have Daniel down there as soon as I can sober the useless piece of shit up.



Did anyone not make it through the latest building nightmare catastrophe?

[706, 202]

I got the job.

[905, forwarded to R1B]

We haven't turned a profit because of opening costs, but we already made three times what the shop made last month. If the records the last owner kept are correct.

That's pretty impressive, Ella.


How are you?

...So I'm not working at the coffee shop any more, but Stella says she'll still slip me free sticky buns. Even though she didn't get that date I promised her with Micah.


What happened? Who did you get trapped with?


Group, 802, 706

Group lock to 706, 1203A, 1204, 1104A, 802, 703, 706, 401, 605, R1
A few additions to this list from the last time, based on recent group happenings, but the moon is getting close. I don't think we're going to have time for a full-blown building protection plan at this point. Are we comfortable with something quicker? Can we get any way to restrain the doors of existing units for everyone?

Private to 802
Tomorrow good to assemble the skel Aaron?

Private to 706
We need to talk. Man-to-man.

May. 24th, 2010


[posted Sunday the twenty-third; locked to P1, 1206, 1203, 1202, 1002, 1004, 1007, 906, 701, 703, 501, 206]
I am I hope I have used the old fable post, here, to be finding you. I am sorry hope I am not intruding, but I find myself to be needing advice from other women.

In the locked rooms we were all having, I was required to have married Inspecto Luther a certain man. This man, I am liking him already, but this, it was very overwhelming. You do not think this marriage, it is for real, da? And if I may have possibly was running away, is there good way to be apologizing?

[locked to 706, 202]
If I am running from man who kissed me, is there good way to be saying the apologies?




That was fun!

May. 23rd, 2010


Locked Individually

{ Posted maybe 10 minutes after Joanie's group leaves their room }

[ Locked to 401 ]

Weird shit happened like Katya said.

You alright?

[ Locked to 705 ]

Did decking out your ship help you at all, Captain?

[ Locked to 307 ]

I just spent nearly 2 hours watching Dracula sniff blood.

Please tell me your night has been better.

[ Locked to 202 ]

How has the king been on this strange night?

[ Locked to 201 ]

Did you Are you What hap Is
Fuck it.

[ nothing sent ]

May. 17th, 2010


Delivery for 202

There are two shoe boxes left outside the door to 202. Both are held closed by duct tape.

Inside the top box are 230 medical pins without hinges. Inside the bottom box are 80 medical pins with hinges. Taped to the inside of the top box's lid is the following note:

Llama King -
If these are for an elaborate party decoration, I will beat you blind, deaf, and dumb.
- Supplier

May. 14th, 2010


703, R1, 705

Locked to 703

Your goat farmer has never behaved questionably with any farm aminals. Permissions to date him is granted.

P.S. How are my pins coming?

Locked to R1

You're an idiot, and I'm getting security installed in that Shop of Imminent Death you apparently now own.

Locked to 705
[After convo with Joanie]

Yo, goat herder.

May. 13th, 2010



How do I make my computer start again like I bought it? It takes forever just to load a page.



[202 & what the hell, 706]

The librarians weren't sorry to see me go. I can't imagine why.


We might need to talk about hours.


I was at your beach again. It's not different every time you go, is it? I'm not messing it up, am I?


can't hurt Upon doing a little reading on the boards, I've found consistently that the tenants here seem to have had little to no luck with the police. It wasn't my intention to advertise within the building, but under those circumstances, I see no reason not to.

I do private detective work. If anyone has the sort of problem they would generally go to the police for, feel free to stop by my office ([address]). You can always try me at my apartment, as well, though I'd prefer to know in advance if you plan on stopping in.

I specialize in homicide and missing persons, and I do not do divorce work.

I also won't spy on your spouse for you.

That caveat aside, I'll take on almost any kind of case. And, in case you were wondering, my fee for tenants in the building is nothing. I'd rather see some facsimile of harmony maintained than take your money.


Locked to 202

{ Posted the morning after these shenanigans }

God is punishing me because of you. I hate you so much. Ffffuuuuuck

I got his name.

May. 8th, 2010



Since things get pretty dangerous around here on the full moon, it's probably a good idea to have some place the dangerous ones can go so everybody else isn't going to get killed. The catacombs seem like a good place for that.

The rest of the time, since the cops don't have a clue around here, setting up some regular people to deal with crime and medical stuff and repairs would be smart.

All in favor say 'aye' so I can go back to bed.


601, 905

[Locked to 601]

A few friends and I are looking to explore the catacombs. In comparison to others, we're new. Someone mentioned you were here at the time of the masquerade last year - would you be willing to venture down there with us? It's just an inspection.

[Locked to 905]


How're you holding up?

[Later, this, this is editted in]
[Group Locked to 703 and 202]

The wolf Shane will take us, as long as we state a time. What works for you two?

May. 7th, 2010


Group to 605, 706, R1, 802, 703, 401

All posts not individually locked within visible to 605, 706, R1, 802, 703 and 401

I think we've all realized at this point that we're working outside the bounds of normal law within the building. Luther and I are trying to come up with a plan to handle issues that might pop up within the building, and we wanted input from this group.

Considerations are things like building repairs, preparing for the full moon, handling things that happen outside after the moon, medical care and law enforcement within the building.

Anything posted here remains in confidence. If there's anyone you feel should be included, please come forward with that information. Luther and/or I will respond to anything here, but we want this to be an open forum for discussion.

What do you think should be done?


Under the door of 206

[Slipped under Iris' door, the morning after this. The photograph still smells like processing chemicals and the paper is still soft and malleable.]

Sunrise )


[Posted late afternoon. Typically Iris is out from 6 AM to 12 AM, (something the Watch may note at your discretion) but today she didn't get a second shift.]


Now there's a light out in the second floor hallway.

Though I think the bulb just went out, rather than someone shooting it out with a bullet. Though that's just a guess.

[706] How'd the date go? [/706]

[905] How are you holding up doing? [/905]


How did

What should I do with the photo

[Not sent.]



Delivered to 703

[Left in a refrigerator box at the door of 703]
  • A hi-resolution image of a medical skeleton.
  • One, medical grade, surgical steel straight pin.
  • One, medical grade, ball-and-socket pin.
  • Enough empty aluminum cans to fill the entire box from bottom to top.
  • Note: Supplier, Enough cans? - Buyer

May. 6th, 2010



Locked to 706

Jonathan Worth. Private Detective - homicides and missing persons. Ever heard of him? I think I ran into him at a forensics con late last year, but I can't be sure.

May. 5th, 2010


Keeping the building connected via intranet? Novel idea. Speaks to a kind of irony, doesn't it? In an age where people complain they never know their neighbors, we have to use computers to get to know people twenty feet away.

My name's Jonathan. I'm new around here, clearly. I run a business out of my home, but I promise the absolute worst of it will be that I get a higher number of visitors than most.

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