July 4th, 2010

[info]twodays_slow in [info]bellumletale

I seem to have stumbled upon a somewhat sizable snake. He's currently coiled around a hat on my couch. Though I hate to crush his hopes of being a handsome hatband, I supposed someone might be searching for him. At least, I believe it might be a he, I'm uncertain, on snakes, how to tell a he from she. It's sort of strange, they don't have parts and pieces on places outside, so how are you supposed to know? I guess I could Google, but then I'd have to get close enough to get a good look, and I hate to disturb him. Or her. Hir, or hem. I wonder if there are transgendered animals? Too bad they don't talk, so you can never tell. Alas, poor snakes, always mistaken for the wrong sex.

Oh, yes, is someone missing a snake? He's been a rather rambunctious roommate, so he needs to return home.