April 20th, 2010

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

Voicemail left for Shane

[His caller ID would show an unfamiliar number, as it's the hospital phone. Machine beeping can be heard in the background, and she sounds rambling-exhausted and worried and not quite coherent, but determined. The message is left post-forum conversation with Rick, but before Rick shows up to save Rosalie from certain Vaughn-inflicted doom.]

Sugar, you better not be out gettin' yourself into trouble. You listen to me, and you listen good. You keep your eyes peeled for Vaughn, and you keep an eye on Daniel for me. I mean it, Shane. Get Vlad to help, but keep the man clear of Vaughn. Sit in R1 with a gun, if you gotta.

I'm gonna take care of Rose, but you gotta watch out for the Family too. The Family and Vaughn. And I swear to God, if anythin' happens to you or Daniel over this, I'm gonna skin both your hides. If anyone asks, you don't know anythin' about anythin, and you ain't talked to me even once.

Oh, make sure Nicky's okay for me too. I ain't been near the internet but once, and Evie was lookin' for him, and he's worse than you for takin' care of himself.

[She hangs up without saying goodbye, and she doesn't mention anything that happened at all. She doesn't think for a moment that Vaughn is unaware that she's broken their deal.]

[info]nylonghorn in [info]bellumletale

Voicemail left for Lena Kelly

Voicemail for Lena

This voicemail was finally left after calling and hanging up about 8 times

Uhm. Yeah...Hey Lena. It's Pete. I just...I haven't seen you around. And I know you didn't take much when you left, if you're waiting for me to leave you don't have to. I can...I mean I can leave if you want or if you need to get stuff. Just...Just let me know what you need. And call me back so I know you're okay. And tell me where you are, there's weird stuff going on at the building right now, I feel-I just hope that you're okay. And. Yeah. Sorry. I--Bye, Lena.

This voicemail was left just a couple of seconds later

I forgot to tell you that I read something today that I think might have made you laugh. Some cleric in Iran is claiming that promiscuous women are causing all the earthquakes. It's on CNN, you should read it. Love you. I mean. Shit. Dammit. How do you erase these fucking things...God dammit. Alright. Bye, Lena. Sorry this got weird. The phone call I mean. The marriage was maybe always gonna be weird. And there is something creepy about counseling--the message cuts off.

This voicemail was left five minutes after the last one.

Sorry Lena. This is getting creepy isn't it? Yeah. Just. Be well. Courage little tiger. What? I don't know. I'm not even drunk. Maybe I should be. I don't really know. Just. I saw the preview for the next Sex and the City movie. That John Corbett...Didn't see that coming. Goodnight, Lena. Courage Little Tiger. he chuckles just a little before hanging up.

[info]syren in [info]bellumletale


Oh my god, what? Completely lost and unaware of the building's events save for what had been posted on the forums (which, in all honesty, weren't at all that revealing), Avery has no idea what else to think.

A slender thumb rests in between her teeth as she paces back and forth in her living room, too frightened to leave her apartment, but uneasy being alone. In what she is aware is a potentially stupid move given recent events, Avery picks up her iPhone and dials her next door neighbor. The pacing doesn't stop while she waits for Chris to pick up.