April 4th, 2010

[info]snow_bees in [info]bellumletale

Locked to P3

To my most esteemed neighbor in P3:

I myself am fond of the occasional string quartet, and it seems that there is one playing quite loudly on our floor at the moment. As I have been privy to our other floormate's selection of "music" in the past, I can only assume that the quartet is yours. While it is beautiful, it is much louder than anything I've heard emitting from your apartment in the past other than those vicious sounds of destruction a while back, which may or may not have been you, so I suppose I should inquire if:
a) your sound system is malfunctioning,
b) you are simply not aware how sound carries on this floor, or
c) there is some other reason for the high level of volume.

If 'c', as a neighbor and growing acquaintance, may I also inquire if everything is alright?

Kind regards,
D. Winters

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale


[Slipped under the door of D3 immediately after this]

Prince Charming )

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumletale


did you get home okay? you scared me.

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumletale


[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

Partially public

I'm looking for Peter Pan? I think

[Locked to 107]

I missed our shooting lesson, honey. Can I get a raincheck?

[info]cyprian in [info]bellumletale


You were playing music last night
what was it?

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

Locked to P3

[After this]

What in hell's name happened to Rose, Vlad?

[info]oscardelta in [info]bellumletale


[Locked to 1007]
u never did tell me what u wanted me to say to ur friend sweetheart

[Locked to 701]
just wanted to check in on u and see how those cuts r healin. i think ur friend in 1007... red? shes worried bout u.

[Locked to 601]
how u doin after the other night? kno u dont know me and when we met befro i didnt make the best impressino. just wonderin is all

[Locked to 802]
hope ur the last i need to talk to i hate typin on this damn box
hows ur leg kiddo? doin okay?

[info]old_fashioned in [info]bellumletale

Locked to P3

I'm not disturbing you, am I? I have a small favor to ask but only if you're free. I promise it won't be too taxing. Or at least, I hope it won't be.

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumletale

[Locked to 701]

Something happened in 601 last week. What was it? Are you alright?

[Locked to 905]

Who was hurt in 601, Ella? Did Shane do something? That damned wolf

[info]beaute_endormie in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1007

Shane turned into a wolf and started howling so Ella and I went down to check on him. Cole was there too, and another woman-- James, I think? Only I got too close and I scared the wolf and he bit Cole. Ella made a bunch of thorns grow and that's how I got cut, but we got a couple doctors down there and Cole got stitched up and everyone was fine.

You could have just asked me You don't have to respond if you're still not talking but I wish you. I just thought you might want to know more than what I told Vlad since John said you were worried

[info]bellum_anon in [info]bellumletale

easter! feedback post

Welcome to the Bellum Letale anonymous feedback post. Please feel free to post with any questions or comments you have in relation to your experiences as a tenant in the building. Tenants are asked to respond anonymously to encourage honesty. Thank you for your time!

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumletale


Hey, building.

I was wondering if anybody could tell me where I could find a good bookstore within walking distance of this place.  The bigger the selection, the better.


[info]raver_red in [info]bellumletale

Hey boys and girls! I'm new here, Sasha Ross-David. I'm thinking about throwing a party in a few days in my place. I've just gotta get it cleaned up, first. And finish this retarded deposition, seriously, who the hell does this shit?

Anything I should know about this place as I settle in?

[info]wolfishane in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 1007

i know you're not talking to me but

it's just so

You were looking for a Woodsman?

he kills the wolf

What did I do?

[info]heartinabox in [info]bellumletale

posted by 904

You're all goddamn barbarians. Congratulations! Is this how you all conduct yourselves? Well, well done, give yourselves a pat on the back if you can stretch your little keyboard mashing arms that far. Good lord. Do none of you have anything better to do than attempt to get women raped and try to find out who is having sex with whom? Is it for the entertainment value? I was under the impression that that was what soap operas were for. Well then, in that case, turn off the computer, send the kids to bed, and settle in with some bon bons and the lifetime channel. No one wants to deal with your bullshit, thanks.