March 2nd, 2010

[info]takingsides in [info]bellumletale

[Obviously, this occurs several days after James comes to see him. In that intervening period, two unfortunate thugs had to go on sick leave because some junkie jumped them in a back alley--and, miraculously, the two managed to break three ribs, dislocate one shoulder, shatter an elbow, break a nose, tear several knee ligaments with complicated names, suffer severe concussions and acquire numerous cuts and bruises. Mob thugs these days must be very clumsy.]


We need to talk. If you give me that coy 'who me?' bit we're going to have it in person and you're not going to like it.


Hello, I'm a friend of James'--she said you were with her when you both were attacked the other day. Have you seen anything else to concern you since then?


Have you had any more problems at work? Are the bouncers walking you home? Because if not I might need to have another pointed chat with the assistant manager about it.

[info]takingsides in [info]bellumletale

Phone message to Boyd's cellphone.

[After this. Beep.]

It won't be that easy.

[He doesn't sound angry. Just calm, as usual.]

If you and your friend still want those lessons, let me know.


[info]still_lotte in [info]bellumletale

Locked to 504

Daisy? I'm really terribly sorry, but I don't think I can help with the potluck tomorrow. I didn't sent the forum message but - I'm really sorry, I think I'd be useless if I helped you.

[info]bookshelved in [info]bellumletale


Slipped under the door of 501 )

[info]ex_peepshows656 in [info]bellumletale

[ Private to 905 in response to this ]


Forgive me.

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumletale

Email to Evie

TO: Eva Hollis []
FR: Jack Hollis []
RE: heya

heya evie sweetie --

i heard about dad. that's just so fucking --

how are you doing?

i'm gonna be in nyc tomorrow. i'm leasing d1 -- decorator's finishing tonight. how's the bitch marissa? she claims she can't afford a funeral don't let her i'll handle her once i get into town.

we need to talk soon about nick. call my assistant if you can't get a hold of me on my cell, okay? i've told her to find me no matter what. i've had nick do you need anything?

love yours with great affection

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[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumletale

Mostly public

[Visible to everyone BUT 505]
Anyone got some self-defense skills they'd be willing to volunteer for a good cause?

[Locked to 701]
Feel like talking, honey?