February 20th, 2010

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale


I [...] relocated. Temporarily.


Thank you for the letters. I'm working on some journal entries if I can write a coherent sentence but I'll try to write back. My handwriting is horrible.

[Public. YES. PUBLIC OMG.]

When is it supposed to warm up?

[info]only_had_a in [info]bellumletale

Let's just say Clark's been on an extended trip to Atlantic City and is blissfully clueless about anything that's been going on. Of course, Clark is blissfully clueless even when he's present for things!

Hey folks! My furniture is here so I have a table and chairs. Which isn't the point of this post, but is background information, you know. So the point is that I'd like to schedule a night for an inaugural poker game. I know some of you were interested in playing, but I have no idea what anyone's schedules are like I'm guessing people work. and not from home where they can fuck around with impunity without worrying about getting into trouble. so probably some evening. but if people work they also need to sleep, which may mean a weekend. but don't people usually do things like go out on weekends? so we're left with some odd time like Sunday afternoon. unless there are religious objections to playing poker on a Sunday. has anyone noticed that there are religious objections to a lot of things. like buying alcohol on Sunday's isn't allowed in some places. but that's a legal codification of a religious objections, so it's actually a whole other conversation...wait. never mind and I'd like to at least try to make the game work for as many people as possible.

So, anyone have scheduling ideas?

[info]nightmrholmes in [info]bellumletale

[Posted around one PM, the day after this.]

So the swelling in my ankle has gone down, it's not broken and I'm now propped up on pillows. How does one keep from dying of boredom?