December 19th, 2009

[info]backoff in [info]bellumletale

Phone Call to #1007.


[info]shebringscurses in [info]bellumletale

TO: Daniel Webster (

I don't even know what to do with you.

I'm going to the police tomorrow morning.

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale

[post- forum post]

Fliers Scattered Throughout The Building )

[info]bellum_secrets in [info]bellumletale

posted onto bulletin boards over the original poster )

[info]misterdoctor in [info]bellumletale

[after the masquerade, 105A, etc]

This is why I don't go to parties

I hope you've all contracted venereal diseases

The entire basement will smell like sex for a month

it's disgusting

I can't even begin to

Hi, my name is Henry and my subconscious is trying to date the building's mortal enemy

I should just move out

This place is a madhouse

To whoever I hit with the chair:

I'm not sorry. not really

[info]pied in [info]bellumletale

[Locked to the Landlord]

Rent's going to be late. Fine me or whatever it is you do. Pretty sure I have to be over a month behind for you to evict me, though. I'd hate to take you to court over it.

And send me my damned utility bills.

[info]bellum_masked in [info]bellumletale

FROM: The Mask with No Mouth (

Thank you for the book, beautiful. Shakespeare was quite the romantic, wasn't he? There really is a sonnet for all - from the men who love women with eyes who are nothing like the sun, the dark-haired beauty... to the chaste, romantic sort of love portrayed in the line you recited for me that night.

Tell me, has anyone ever read a sonnet to you, as Shakespeare might have to the one he loved?

In praise of ladies dead, and lovely knights,
then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have expressed,
even such a beauty as you master now.


[info]esmevedma in [info]bellumletale

((Posted the day after the masquerade.))

he's lying to you.

you've got ten arms but you can't see a one and you will chop yourself to pieces.

they're not brothers.

sooner or later she's going to find out, and then where will you be?

keep your teeth to yourself.

you're a walking catastrophe and everyone who touches you is bound by death. there are crows swaying from your arms. war.

come to me. i have what you are looking for.

i know you. inside and out. i know your dreams of blood. i know who you have your eyes set on, and I will take them from you in pieces. one for me. i will only keep one for myself.

[info]labete in [info]bellumletale

[The morning after the masquerade. Before the landlord's post, and before Piper deals with bills.]


You get out okay?

[info]justlikelife in [info]bellumletale

[Message left for #201. The morning after this.]

[She clears her throat a little right before she begins after the beep.] Hello. [She's always so damn polite on the phone.] It's... it's Anne. [She wilts a little bit. Apparently the pleasantries are all she's got.] I noticed that you... you weren't here, so--I hope you're okay.

[She hesitates, decides not to mention the workroom or the crumpled sketch, and sighs.]

