[info]elfwreck in [info]07refugees

Possibly somewhat Off Topic

But since this comm deals with "ex LJ people," some of whom are still current LJ people, I figured I'd post.

There's a massive power outage in downtown San Francisco (where I work). 6A is located in downtown SF.

Outage of LJ is probably unrelated to politics or online drama. PG&E expects power to be restored in another half an hour or so.


But you know, this (at 7:02 PM EST anyway):


Doesn't mention jack at LJ being down, only TypePad, TypeKey, and Vox. Oh yeah, I feel the love. *SNORT!*

But thank you for the message -- they should be paying you!
Er, when I clicked it mentioned LJ. It looks like it might have been the last to be mentioned, but it was mentioned.
Yep, that's new! Wonder why they didn't add the time though...
well that is weird. I would think the timestamp would be automatic when posting. I am not putting on my tinfoil hat, nope, not doing it. ;)