[info]greenwitch in [info]07refugees

State of the Goat, 2008

Complete with anchored category links for your convenience.


(Personally, I'm amazed that three pages in, there's still no macros...)


Is it just me or has there been an upswing, this year, in Mind Police types patrolling news posts and telling everyone they have no right to disagree (or, if disagreeing, to exist)? LJ taken over by baby fascists, film at 11.

Oh, and the trolls telling fan-types they're pedophiles. That was classy too, yeah. *snorts*
there's been an upswing in that kind of crap everywhere, for the past 8 years.
That one I saw didn't even seem to be a fan-type, it was just someone referring to lost jobs. Troll harder, dude.
*wry* If it's the trollpack I think it is, I'm totally unsurprised by his amazing fail.