[info]apotheosis in [info]07refugees

New LJ Profile Page

Whether they want it or not, LJers are now stuck with a new profile layout:


User feedback is one of the most important ones

But apparently, not enough to actually listen when you get a resounding chorus of DO NOT WANT.



Re: Well

They posted about it twice in news before last night.


We have long wanted to make the profile page easier to navigate, so we have committed our best thoughts to paper (or .pdf) and put the redesigned profile page into Beta. If you want to participate in beta testing for the profile page, go here. (http://news.livejournal.com/110103.html)

And while you're over at lj_design, take a look at the revamped Profile Page beta. We're really looking forward to hearing what you have to say. (http://news.livejournal.com/110593.html)

Re: Well

And no where in either of those posts does it say they would be implementing the BETA DESIGN ASAP.

Last anyone knew, it was still in Beta.

Just another reason I'm glad I'm here and not there.