[info]apotheosis in [info]07refugees

New LJ Profile Page

Whether they want it or not, LJers are now stuck with a new profile layout:


User feedback is one of the most important ones

But apparently, not enough to actually listen when you get a resounding chorus of DO NOT WANT.


Personally, I didn't much think of it when the beta profile button came into the user interface some weeks ago. I looked at what the new profile looked like and changed it back to the old design.

The new profile page is just too.... full of stuff. What annoys me the most is that it's so cramped.
what, you can do this? change it back to the old design? Teach me your magic!

(and cool icon, too)
Yesterday evening (German time) I could do this. Now, after looking at it again to make sure I'm describing the right thing, it no longer works.

(and your icon is also great.)
In case you were still looking for a way to make the new profile more bearable, here's something that should help.