[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

People who have paid accounts and are not upset at Squeaky and Insanity over the recent downtime - considering how hard they worked to get it fixed ASAP and keeping us up to date on Twitter - if you don't want or need compensation for the 36 hours we were without the site, Ardath has set up [info]no_comp_needed. Like [info]fandom_counts on LJ last June, it's not likely to have any real post traffic, it's just a head-count asylum to show support for the staff and let them know that we don't feel that they owe us anything for something that was out of their control.


That's a great idea. It always bothered me on LJ how if the site was down for a few hours people would start demanding paid time or permanent accounts.
Don't know about you, but I took my non-Ij time to play on deviantart. The internet is full of distractions. :D
I think it's a great idea. Maybe you could post the comm link in today's [info]announcements thread if you haven't already; I'm sure others would like to know about it. :)
That's a great idea! I've joined up.
People seriously need to get a grip. SHIT HAPPENS! DEAL WITH IT KTHX! It wasnt in their control. It was the company that screwed up, not Squeaky. He did EVERYTHING that he could. Argh...x.x;
I think it's more a pre-emptive measure than anything - Insanity mentioned in her journal that they were considering ways to recompense and a few of us commented that we didn't need anything. Generally speaking it's easier to get people who agree to join an asylum than make a comment. :P
I didn't even realize the site was down! O.o

I definitely don't need compensation when i wasn't online for a bit!

(cannot be fucked changing account. -[info]keieeeye.)
I've a permanent account; what are they going to do, make me moar permanent?

I like to think that if LJ had ever been as good about keeping us informed as [info]squeaky is, people wouldn't have had such hissy fits. But then I remember people basically suck. ::shrug::
Okay if I repost this verbatim at my journal? I have quite a few friends who aren't on this comm.
I'm just going to assume I have your permission to pimp this all over my journals.
Please pimp it lots. :D
Is it really needed? I am only seeing a couple of entries from folks who are miffed on the announcements board. Hardly a clamor for compensation.

I am sure all the positive things said there has assured Squeaky that he is appreciated.
Hopefully it isn't needed, but [info]insanity had posted in her journal that they were working on ideas for compensating paid users. This just feels like a good way to provide them with a list of users they don't have to worry about doing that for. :)
Yay for this. I was actually a little shocked when I saw someone clamouring for compensation. It was out of his controle.
And, yes, IJ is different to LJ.
(Basically, I hated LJ and would take anything I could get from their uncoprative staff)

Also, perminate account. As the ubove poster said, will I now become more perminat?
Yeah my comment on Insanity's post mentioned that I have four permanent accounts and only one actually temporarily paid, which is a roleplaying journal. And, well, our group spent most of the 36 hours in chats on AIM and threading logs in gdocs and planning future plot.
I have RPG journals, but they're very new and I'm not yet that involved to want to pay for them. I wish we had gifts - I'd be gifting anyway to everyone but all the people I know have perminat account too.
There's been talk about v-gifts and suggestions for what they might include. I'm not exactly sure on the timeframe for arrival, but it's one of the things [info]insanity is working on, so if you're interested you could go to her journal and ask about it (or offer help if you have any graphics etc skills), just so she knows people are still cool with the idea.
I have commented, although I have no graphics skills ):

It's a great way to show support anyway. I joined with all my permanent accounts, too, and encourage others to do so as well.
Not that I'm complaining, but I think that a poll would suffice to illustrate the general consensus.
I don't know if this would affect permanent accounts, but I joined anyway, because [info]squeaky and [info]insanity rock!
Got have permanent account myself, and while I do have a fiction journal and an RP journal, I don't need any compensation for them. (The RPG was obviously down for a few days, but I needed that time to write up more posts anyway)

I do, however, believe that the hosting company has an obligation to re-compensate [info]squeaky for the trouble their screw-up caused him. Can't do anything about that, though. Maybe instead, we can give him some kind of "Thank you for all your hard work"?
I don't understand just why people think they need compensation! Yes, it was frustrating, but no one demands some kind of compensation when their power goes out or their phone line has problems. This shouldn't be any different.

Not to say that I disagree, but ...

... power is metered, so if you don't have power you don't use power.

Re: Not to say that I disagree, but ...

You do have a point. It was just the only analogy I could think of on short notice.

I am on the fence about this whole thing.

I don't plan on being rude about the outage because that would just be silly, BUT I was absolutely beside myself annoyed when it was happening and so I don't feel motivated to wave the "Squeaky is the best!" flag right now.

I have to play devil's advocate here and point out that the only source of information we have is from Squeaky himself. I am not calling him a liar, but I just want to point out that since we don't have another source of information (like a direct line to the hosting company to hear their side of the story) we are all just assuming that it is all the hosting company's fault because Squeaky says so.

Again, I am NOT calling him a liar, but I want to point out he could just tell us anything and without knowing any better we just believe it.

What I do applaud is the fact the Squeaky was so upfront and honest with the site being down and gave us to-the-minute updates on that he was working on it to bring it back. That I observed myself and put faith in, I just don't have proof that the hosting company was the villain of the story.

I panicked when Squeaky posted on Twitter that the hosting company said the databases were deleted. My thoughts were, "Squeaky, shouldn't you be configuring the site with (at least) daily backups so we aren't at risk of losing everything?"

Things do happen that are out of a site admin's control, I get that (really I do), I just have issue that we only have one side of the story and that a backup should be in place so we are never at risk of losing everything.

I have a permanent account for [info]oregon_jax and have already bought yearly paid accounts for 2-3 of my RPing journals as a way to support the site... but the site went down even though I gave my support.

I am happy to support the site, but I guess I need a break from throwing money at it to make sure I am supporting something rock solid.