[info]darkrose in [info]07refugees

Ah, LJ: will you never learn?

Apparently not, since their latest idea is to allow users to have their entire journal "sponsored" by an advertiser, in exchange for running a banner ad in the userinfo and "subtle" branding.

But remember, kids--three account types is too confusing! So...we'll take away Basic and add...a third account type!

Actually, I'm thinking fandom could have a lot of fun with this. Create a sockpuppet journal, and for the initial "trial period", post nothing but pictures of kitties and cookie recipes. Then, once the trial is over and you've shown yourself to be a good corporate citizen, go back to posting the porn: sponsored by Pepsi!


I really hope people take advantage of it to post the raunchiest, most hardcore they can! But I'm all for letting Pepsi and anybody else interested in sponsoring know exactly what they're in for. Will that mean LJ cracks down on people's posts? Oh, most likely, they've yet to take the side of the user over the side of $ yet. But it might be what finally shakes people up.