[info]darkrose in [info]07refugees

Ah, LJ: will you never learn?

Apparently not, since their latest idea is to allow users to have their entire journal "sponsored" by an advertiser, in exchange for running a banner ad in the userinfo and "subtle" branding.

But remember, kids--three account types is too confusing! So...we'll take away Basic and add...a third account type!

Actually, I'm thinking fandom could have a lot of fun with this. Create a sockpuppet journal, and for the initial "trial period", post nothing but pictures of kitties and cookie recipes. Then, once the trial is over and you've shown yourself to be a good corporate citizen, go back to posting the porn: sponsored by Pepsi!


That would be the Best Response Ever! XD
I really hope people take advantage of it to post the raunchiest, most hardcore they can! But I'm all for letting Pepsi and anybody else interested in sponsoring know exactly what they're in for. Will that mean LJ cracks down on people's posts? Oh, most likely, they've yet to take the side of the user over the side of $ yet. But it might be what finally shakes people up.
The sponsored journals sound like an utter nightmare.

What happens if you post something that the sponsor doesn't like? Are in a comm they don't agree with? Have icons, interests, etc they don't support? Are they going to start telling you what you can and can't have for content in your own journal because it doesn't fit the sponsor's view?

Just brilliant LJ. :/
This isn't actually a new concept in the law, or to corporations.

My guess is that there will be a click-through agreement that hands some editorial control over to the sponsor to maintain the "sponsored" status. I can think of lots of things--religion, politics, gender issues, sexual orientation--that may be a problem for a company that really

What concerns me is how much users may not understand about those agreements. It will depend on the relationship they establish in that agreement, but it could be a big conflict of interest to be branded that way. If you work for a competitor of a sponsor company--even a conglomerate that appears unrelated--users could be violating employment agreements or confidentiality agreements they sign when they start work. And those things aren't always limited to high profile people. Even in a call center, I've signed those kinds of agreements. Companies like LJ are sometimes excepted in blog/online policies for companies, but the branding is an entirely different kettle of fish.
The sponsor can refuse to sponsor an account, and the account would lose its "paid feature" aspects--the extra icons, storage space, comment editing, increased tracking, and so on.

I don't think they're planning on giving any editing/filtering options to the sponsors, just the ability to yank their sponsorship if they don't approve of the account.

To make a protest effective, there'd need to be a whole swarm of people grabbing the same sponsor (it seems there'll be several to choose from), and posting squicky and anti-sponsor messages, and then going out of their way to notify the sponsor of how their name/logo are being used. (And then, when the sponsorship is pulled, move on to the next sponsor.)

However, given the number of Russian users who will very likely be just fine with the sponsor-paid accounts, it's not likely to make any difference to LJ; SUP has basically announced "we're doing this for the Russian blogging crowd who use LJ as a professional resource; you open-source activist fanatics can move along to another service now. You built it, but we bought it, and it's ours now."
It's weird. The only way I can see this working in the States is for the Sponsored accounts to be sold in a very targeted way. Pepsi Max doesn't have the time or energy to monitor everyone they'd 'sponsor' to make sure that Joe James from Idaho doesn't occasionally talk about murdering all the Jews in amidst his talk about boy bands and pro wrestling. (Sorry to go Godwin's so quickly!)
I suppose the next logical step would be for Pepsi or whoever to hand you one day of paid account time every time you mention how much you love their products.
No no, extra icons. :p
I wish we could suggest the sponsors we want... like... Trojan condoms or... Tang! or ...
That's actually not a bad idea, at all. LJ could break out however many "sponsor categories" with similar products, etc., then have a user sign to that line of sponsorship.

Then again, the problem of trouble-makers, (say, the Satanist signing with Zondervan, e.g.), however, would still exist.

This'll be nice, though, give WFI et al some nice, clear targets.
Nothing they do surprises me anymore. It's all beyond ridiculous.
Maybe you could post lots of things on recipes and get sponsorship from Ladies Home Journal....
I like how you think. (-; Wouldn't that be great fun? I bet they'll have some kind of intrusive background check though before sponsoring to make sock puppeting hard. But if they don't . . . hehehe--this could be good.

Possibly a voice of reason...?

Y'know, this doesn't sound quite as bad some folk are making it out to be. Basically, rather than "selling" your content to whichever idiots decide to buy adspace here, you're selling to one advertiser, an advertiser of your choice.
I actually wouldn't mind using my page to hype, say, Sci-Fi Network, or Steve Jackson Games.

(Except, of course, I've got one of the last LJ Basic accts. in existence, and I intend to keep it until Comrade Tovaritch decides to delete it...)

The big question is going to be: which advertisers sign on? I'm not really sure what the bottom-line difference would be for them. Fifty (or five hundred) journals all carrying their ads, vs. the same number of ads in a random pool. I don't see much difference in revenue possibilities between the two.

Love to see folks like Victoria's Secret, Rockstar Games and/or Wizards of the Coast sign on. Wal-Mart, not so much.

Re: Possibly a voice of reason...?

I actually wouldn't mind using my page to hype, say, Sci-Fi Network

Me...not so much. I'm thinking that Sci-Fi would be less than thrilled by the kinky John/Ronon/Rodney/Teyla fic.

Re: Possibly a voice of reason...?

I agree with you and you've said all that I wanted to say. :)

I mean, any of my 'gray-area content' journal entries goes over here anyway and not on my LJ so I wouldn't have to worry if there would be any 'policing' or things like that.

Re: Possibly a voice of reason...?

I'm with you. If people had a choice as to which companies would be placing the ads, I'd have less of a problem with it; and maybe others wouldn't either. Users who do opt for a sponsored account could also avoid having ads from companies they dislike/disagree with or are boycotting (for whatever reason) from appearing on their page.

For example, I work for "Retail Chain A." It would be embarassing and potentially problematic for me if ads for "Retail Chain B" were to appear on my blog. It would look like I was supporting the competition.

I also wouldn't mind having ads for products I actually use on my blog, provided they aren't cluttering up the page too much; but seeing as how I am a female, I'd have a real problem carrying ads for products designed to combat erectile dysfunction or male pattern baldness. ;)
I think LJ can make literally tens of dollars on this idea.

Didn't Pepsi drop them like a hot potato last year, after 6A (initially) declined to remove the vid of the live decapitation?
The icon says it best. *facepalm*
OMFG. May I?
of course :) Not sure who credit goes to though :/
I have ruminated at length. Damn it, I have porn to write...