[info]aristoboule in [info]07refugees

Jason Shellen resigns from LJ

Did anyone see the latest LJ news post?

Particularly this part:

Moving On
Jason Shellen, our VP of product development, decided to resign from his position at LiveJournal, Inc. at the beginning of the week. His decision was for family and personal reasons. We wish him the best for the future.

I don't think he lasted very long!


Guess he just couldn't take the heat from the flamers. *giggles*
Apparently not! It's one thing to get trounced in one of the Google or Yahoo finance boards, but yet another to receive a trouncing on the level of cranky LJ users. Hopefully, he'll learn his lesson and learn his customer base next time!
According to his twitter posting http://twitter.com/shellen he was at LJ for three months.
Jeez. I lasted longer than that working fast food.
I laughed until I peed myself because of that. Obviously LJ's users are much too "brutal" for poor widdle Jason. Particularly when he's home sick.
I've always heard that you can tell a quality of a company's management by the average employee turnaround rate. In which case, this pretty much speaks for itself. XD

I'm so tempted to do one last poll in my ElJay before my paid account status expires, asking people exactly what LJ would have to do to get them to leave. Because it amazes me just how many people are blindly accepting all of this blatant doubletalk as if it were straight-up communication from honest individuals.
You should make a poll so that you can take advantage of the law ofdiminishing LJ returns!

*pokes head out shyly*

Don't shoot me, but I think the Sponsered/Paid accounts sound cool and good for the people that don't have a way of paying for a paid account but still want the 'bells and wistles' of the paid accounts. (if that made any sense)

This is just my two cents on the whole issue.

I still am happy for being at other journal sites tho. :)

Re: *pokes head out shyly*


Too late! You are dead!

Re: *pokes head out shyly*

Yeah, I do have to give them that for trying, but it's kind of frustrating? Aggravating? That they don't seem to consider the flip side of what it is those changes will affect.

There's an evil part of me that wants to try it with an RP account, say, like ah, one of my edgier pups just to see what would happen. You never know, Chewing Trident Makes You Kinky! ;D

Re: *pokes head out shyly*

No flames from me but I think there's more to consider than whether it's a good trade-off for someone who wants the features without paying in cash. (Because they will pay by looking at ads.) The problem with it is that while it's good for those who wish to make this deal, it really, really stinks for every person who paid for an account so that they wouldn't have to see ads. These ads are part of the sponsored *layout*. Anyone looking at the journal will see those ads, paid or not.

And really? That in itself isn't the end of the world because LJ users can use several different manners to avoid this newest plan. Rather, it's that it is now the paid users' job to avoid the ads when previously avoiding the ads automatically was a perk they paid for. The original set-up was that a logged in paid user didn't have to do anything It's yet another small erosion in what LJ promises but fails to deliver.

And let's not forget that sponsors will review the content of your journal before agreeing to sponsor your "paid" account.

I'm here at IJ despite my permanent LJ account because that kind of thing annoys me.
I keep thinking I can't hate LJ admin more, and they keep proving me wrong. This business with sponsored "paid" accounts is unbelievable.
It kind of makes me want to ask what biz. schools they went to so that I'll be sure not to go there! XD
Sponsored Paid is a new low even for a blatant web 2.0 corporate whore service like LJ. I mean, this is a first low not even MySpace has! I predict it's going to crash and burn horribly, though I'm thinking it'll probably crash due to too many users signing on vs. the extra revenue the sponsors hope to get, the sponsors pulling out like mad lemmings, and the branding remaining because LJ is one sneaky bitch like that.

As for Mr. Shellen, I loled and would lol again.

Please pardon my French there, but I'm in a cantankerous mood. It's saddening watching the internet slowly slide into the pit in places like this. I remember the halcyon days when GeoCities didn't fail at everything. :|
Less Spam. More Books.
We are now using a new CAPTCHA from reCAPTCHA during the registration process for new accounts. Not only will this help to significantly decrease the amount of spam accounts that are created, we love that reCAPTCHA is helping improve the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. In short, reCAPTCHA is helping to digitize books one word at a time, all while eliminating spam.

Someone at SUP must have visited FanFiction.net. lol
That's what HR usually suggests you use as a reason when they ask you to leave.
"His decision was for family and personal reasons."

Uuuuh-huh. Just like everyone who ever was axed by resigned from a Bush-appointed post.

Not that I'm implying there's a pattern to stupidity or anything ...

God help him when his next employer asks for references...
Rule No. One in business or government. When someone leaves for "Family" reasons they are either bailing a sinking ship or got their asses canned. Check the Dubya admin for many examples.

I am wondering if the sponsored accounts has anything to do with the blocking of some interest search words?
His decision was for family and personal reasons.


I think it was probably more along the lines of SUP's upper echelon saying "Jase, you pissed off a lot of users. We're not sure why, but the masses must be appeased. Put on this red shirt with the wavy gold piping and step up to the keyboard."

In other words, he's their current sacrificial idiot.

The very model of one, in fact.

I am the very model of a sacrificial idiot.
I tried to con the users but they wouldn't have a bit of it.

Anyone feel like continuing the snarkfilk?
I'm curious if all the people complaining about the sponsored accounts ever wear logoed clothing. Have you ever worn Nike or other brand jackets or hats with a big fat logo showing? And you had to pay top dollar for the privilege of being a walking billboard for the company in question.

At least in this case, the shill is being "paid" through a free account with all the bells and whistles instead of being the one paying.

Just my opinion. I have and will continue to have a paid account on LJ, but I have no real problem with the sponsored ones, not even OMG! seeing the sponsored banner if someone on my flist gets one.

Ahhh, the sweet smell of schadenfreude...

... You know, I wouldn't mind the sponsored paid idea at all IF one of SUP's reps (was it Jason? I can't recall...) didn't try to claim that they did away with Basic in order to make registering less confusing for newbies.