[info]shusu in [info]07refugees

tags question

I have a question. I'm toying with the idea of starting a comm on LJ to *actively* help people move (provide tech support, correct misconceptions, and move people *anywhere*, not just InJ, but Wordpress, etc). Sort of like popping a six-pack and getting your friends over to help move.

Anyway, I can wrap my head around everything (icons, commenting, setting up feeds) ... except tags. When I moved, the tags didn't move with me. At 4,000 LJ entries, that's no small thing. Is there a method of moving that will take the tags along too?

BTW if you'd like to form this kind of comm, please do. I have little tech knowledge myself. And increasingly the people left are not hold-outs, they're *stranded*. Also someone who speaks Russian might be an idea -- it seems silly to be separated from a population of bloggers who're living in an even more dire political situation.


Can't you comment by signing into InJ? And using the OpenID thing?
LJ treats OpenID the same as anonymous comments.

That bites.
It does. ):

Well, I think you can comment on a locked post if the user has friended the OpenID account - but they still have to have anonymous comments enabled.

Which seems really silly, but - whatever.
I just saw that on [info]meta_roundup! Awesome.