[info]sherlock in [info]07refugees

Logging in no longer works for GJ. It might be a server glitch, but part of me wonders if system didn't just say 'fuckit' and turn it off altogether. Maybe that's what he meant by ASIS.

(Details: you can log in but if you refresh you're logged out)

eta I tried posting a comment to the news post (by inputing my un/pw right before hitting post) and got errors galore. Now it's showing my comments sans text. (http://www.greatestjournal.com/community/news/100462.html?page=29#comments)


What did that news entry say? I have pretty much stayed away from GJ ever since system was like "Peace out, bitches." and when I try to go to the link I just get the error message mentioned in another post.
Yup. They are working on something for sure, or is that "not working" on something.
I'm actually shocked that the site was back up today, but of course whenever i try to click on anything it says "Database not available."