[info]spyralshai in [info]07refugees

Looking for interested parties.

K? If this is in a bad place, please go ahead and delete.

First ever post by me! But K's post inspired me as there are a ton of you here. Over on LJ I have a community known as Green Intent about sharing Green building methods, vehicles, whatever. Just interesting things that are environmentally friendly.

I wondered if there would be interest for that kind of thing over here. Any takers?


probably not the best community to post this in but yes I would be interested and I think, some of my friendslist would too.
Count me in!
You should open your asylum and post about it in [Bad username: asylum promo]. We're all getting our feet under us here; you'll find like-minded folks that way for sure.
That link should be [info]asylum_promo. Can I plead that I just woke up?
Best thing to do is check around for any other environment-related asylums, and then inquire there, or use those asylums that exist. I actually started doing interest searches and haven't found any yet, so you can probably just go ahead and open it and post to [info]asylum_promo.
Ohhh that sounds interesting, if you make the comm I will join!
*nods* I'd be interested, as would a number of people I'm trying to coax away from LJ.
I am totally interested!