[info]catwoman69y2k in [info]07refugees

GJ: What Is Going On?

During Strikethrough (#2) this last summer, one of the options that I looked into (but was non-plussed about) was GreatestJournal. The thing that discouraged me from wanting to jump over to them was the fact that GJ didnt seem like it was very good in the technical aspects of things. Sure it had features that I would of had to pay to have if I stuck with LJ, but alot of glitches, slow access speed, and downtime was happening there. I decided that if they were that buggy then, GJ would be REALLY BUGGY when more LJ people ran there for shelter.

I see that GJ had to refer people to this site due to overload (which would confirm the logic in the previous sentence). Now Im reading more about GJ admin being lax about notifying current customers regarding downtime, glitches and services that they have had to disable to handle the overwhelming flow of traffic. I know that with LJ that really pissed me off (the not telling you and letting you find out for yourself part).

Anyone have any other information about GJ and what is going on there?


Most are coming to IJ, though they're scattering either back to LJ, to IJ and a few are going over to CJ. Makes keeping in touch with people all the more difficult.
Yeah. Tell me about it. I dont think there is any LJ account holder (or former account holder--whether they joined gJ, IJ or what) that is not affected by LJs choices.

What is CJ?

Holy smokes! Umm.....that is an interesting looking place. Is that a new site?
Yes, started in... oh, something like August. A word of caution, though... the owners have their own special pages of dubious honor in the Fandom Wank Wiki.
Ah, okay. I do not know FAndom Wank Wiki but I had my doubts about this site because of its name. (But what is in a name?)
There's more of that right here for the lulz, especially this part!
nebris made stupid_free over on LJ a few times too. He's got a special brand of wank.
That might explain why my account got deleted almost as soon as I created it over on CJ. Huh.
Oh, nevermind, I see that I was one of the deleted for inactivity (per otf_wank). Don't mind me.