[info]amenosakura in [info]07refugees

Right off the bat SUP alienates its users.

Thanks to nebris over at CommieJournal.com I found this little trinket of information.


Apparently SUP is starting to remove the search capability for certain interests while keeping a double standard for those that really should be in the current ban-list.


Right - the problem is, though, as has been demonstrated, preventing people who are interested in "child abuse" from getting together also cuts out "child abuse survivors".

And the "No Spice Girls" thing? Well, much as I could get behind that... ;) it is proof of just how crappy their code was.
That's where I hope my thinking that perhaps this and this has nothing to do with the ambivalence effect of banning these word searches.

Or for Genocide.

Of course, it would make me feel happier if it was due to bad coding and stupidity rather than malevolence. But, considering how quickly certain people amassed their wealth, I'd have to bank on them Not Being Stupid.