[info]je_regret_riens in [info]07refugees

Another Refugee...

I've toddled on over here.
And...I think the same complaint that everyone usually has...
My friends didn't follow me.  >.<
I'm looking forward to making new friends here!

Also, on an unrelated note...
I got all my icons (except for my OTP one) from memegen.  Does anybody know a new comm here where I can ask if anybody knows who I should credit, or know who to credit for any of these?


I managed to drag a few friends with me. Some of the apathy, now that the whole "kerfluffle" has brown over, is driving me nuts.

OTOPaw, I have made new friends over here. Ones I never would have found on LJ.

Oh, and the Pooh Bear in me had to steal your icon. I have one of pooh bear looking into an empty hunny jar.Caption is What Jack Ass Ate All My honey? Makes me giggle to look at it. I save icons for looking at on my PDA.
Yeah, the apathy is getting to me. And the mindless 6A ass kissing. >.<
I'll tell you who to credit for that one as soon as I find out, cause it's not me. :)