[info]je_regret_riens in [info]07refugees

Another Refugee...

I've toddled on over here.
And...I think the same complaint that everyone usually has...
My friends didn't follow me.  >.<
I'm looking forward to making new friends here!

Also, on an unrelated note...
I got all my icons (except for my OTP one) from memegen.  Does anybody know a new comm here where I can ask if anybody knows who I should credit, or know who to credit for any of these?



In response to you icon question, you might try:

[info]iconism, [info]iconmakers, or [info]animeicons

They might be able to help you identify some of them or point you in the right direction. ^_^
Thank you thank you thank you! *joins asylums*
You're a doll.
I also have that icon that you're using. :D
Might I ask about your sn? Yohji from WK?
You're welcome. ^_~

My screen name, eh? Yes, that would be Yohji from WK. He is fun and angsty and I am just plain mad about him. When I came over here, I had to immediately go off and create communities for my old beloved fandoms...even if it is just a fandom of one. ^_~
Haha, well greetings from the local Farfarello. :D