[info]snakeling in [info]07refugees

IJ sitescheme customisation

I've seen a lot of people saying that the siteschemes on InsaneJournal are eye-searing, so I made a tutorial on how to prettify them.

Unfortunately, this tutorial is only valid for people using Firefox, Opera or Epiphany. I *think* there's a way to make it work on Safari, so if someone could test it and write a tutorial, I could add/link to it from my post. I'm afraid IE users are stuck, though.

Feel free to pimp the tutorial far and wide, and to create new styles on UserStyles.org.


It seems to me as if it's the default layer blending in. Are you using another theme than the default on LJ? In that case, go to the raw code of the children theme you're using.

Copy all the lines beginning with set and paste them in your theme layer, below the layerinfo lines, but above the rest of the code. Make sure you aren't duplicating anything, then save.
Thank you! In fact it was even easier, I just had to go into the options and change the colour. So thank you for ALL your help, it has been a real learning experience! x
OK, there I was, happy and thrilled with my ij layout and decided to change the mood icons. That's ALL I did and I immediately lost my layout. I managed to get it back to the three columns and changed the colours again, but even though I enter the header url and the size and do everything as before the damn picture will NOT show up. SO SORRY to be a complete pain, but...any advice? What did I do/am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Or should I start again...
o.O No idea why it did that.

As for your header problem, in your CSS, you need to change two things: #container should have a top value of 409px (the px part being *very* important), and #header should have a height of 409px. You can fiddle with the top value of container if you want more space between your header and your posts :)