[info]snakeling in [info]07refugees

IJ sitescheme customisation

I've seen a lot of people saying that the siteschemes on InsaneJournal are eye-searing, so I made a tutorial on how to prettify them.

Unfortunately, this tutorial is only valid for people using Firefox, Opera or Epiphany. I *think* there's a way to make it work on Safari, so if someone could test it and write a tutorial, I could add/link to it from my post. I'm afraid IE users are stuck, though.

Feel free to pimp the tutorial far and wide, and to create new styles on UserStyles.org.


Epiphany? I have heard of the other two, and have Firefox. But what is Epiphany? Is it a browser?
Yes :) Epiphany is a Linux (and apparently Mac OS X) browser. Honestly, I've no idea how many people use it, but I have it available, so writing a tutorial didn't take too long.