[info]yourlibrarian in [info]07refugees

Syn feeds and disappearing objects

I wanted to ask if others have been having problems with two issues:

(1) The first is that this morning I discovered comments missing from a post (mine and someone else's) and three of my posts had lost their icon links, reverting to my default (the icons are still loaded in my account). This afternoon another post lost its icon links. It had no comments so I don't know if the two issues are related.

(2) I've been having problems with syn feeds from LJ. I put in a support ticket on it and got a very prompt reply, but I'm rather wondering if it really explains things. The reply was

"Syndicated accounts will only update if the feed file is under 300KB in size. If there is a
larger RSS feed -- for example, the RSS feed of the metafandom community on LiveJournal is 374 KB --
then the syndicated account will return the "too big" error you have seen. (The frequency of
updates does not have an effect, since LiveJournal's syndicated feeds display a limited number of
entries at a time.)

You may wish to contact the maintainers of the communities or journals that have this problem, and
ask them to modify the feed. In particular, LiveJournal accounts have a 'synlevel' property that
can be changed from the default value to either "summary" (which will display part of each entry,
with a link to the rest) or "title" (which will not display any of the entry content, but will
include the subject and other information about the entry, along with a link to the rest). If the
journal owners or community maintainers are interested in doing this but don't know how, please ask
them to open a support request on LiveJournal."

ETA: I received a reply from LJ Support on how this is done:

"You can change the community's feed settings at the Admin Console (http://www.livejournal.com/admin/console/) using the following command:

set for examplecomm synlevel summary

You will need to replace "examplecomm" with the name of your community. (An account's synlevel can also be set to "title", which will display the subject line but none of the entry content itself, or to "full", which is the default behaviour; in the above command, you can replace "summary" with either of these two settings if you would prefer a different behaviour.)"

However some of these posts don't seem large enough to me to be causing this problem. Certainly as of late metafandom has had some large posts. But look at today's post from the Sunnydale Herald. If that doesn't come through surely the problem can't be the size of the feed, right? I've gotten some posts from other communities that have included giant graphics in them. I'd think those were exceeding the 374 KB.

Anyone else having these problems?


Re: (2) does it work?

Now I understand. I tried changing the feed itself (which is of course not possible) and you changed the setting of your community (which is possible).