[info]ex_damien542 in [info]07refugees


Once I found out that IJ offers 100 free icons, I ended up wondering why everyone used GJ for RPs when GJ deletes icons that are unused.

I also created a post-DH RP that excludes the epilogue and has an odd little plot twist thrown into the works. Check out Sans Epilogue.

All characters are free at the moment, and I welcome fleeing LJ RPers who are looking for a safe haven for their fictional text-based games.

Let's face it, part of the reason that I've run over here to IJ from LJ is that I just don't feel safe messing around with anything fictional until I get some steady guidelines, and that includes RPing. Especially RPing anything slash-focused. Plus, if I have an RP set up over here, I'm a lot more likely to stay instead of equivocating and wondering if I can really forgive LJ or not.


I checked the GJ FAQ, and for whatever it's worth, they say that they only delete icons from journals that are inactive - not individual icons which haven't been used.
Ahhh, that was probably what happened to me since I definitely wasn't using that journal for RPing any longer.
That's what they claim, yes, though I've had them go missing from my currently-in-use accounts. Not as often, admittedly, but it has happened.
...Really? That's a bit of a scary thought.