August 3rd, 2007

[info]liz_marcs in [info]07refugees

Links to Back Up Your LiveJournal

A lot of people here probably know this, but just in case someone doesn't, I posted a round-up of links on how to backup your LJ to your hard drive and to other journaling sites.

The links are tucked into the middle of an over-all round-up post.

[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

I am starting up a Fullmetal Alchemist fan community and a Hellsing fan community on Insanejournal in light of the new deletions. Please join and contribute to these new divisions of fandom!


[info]ladybug218 in [info]07refugees


Since I have a feeling we'll be getting an influx of new folks after this latest round of WTFery from LJ/6A, I want to take a moment to point out [info]fandomdirectory which is still in the process of getting up and running, but is aiming to be a one-stop shop for fannish folks to find IJ asylums that they might enjoy (and to keep from having six asylums for the exact same thing).

Check it out :)

~an LJ refugee from May who is quite happy here.

[info]amenosakura in [info]07refugees

Any Pokémon fans here?

'Cause I just finished making/working on a Pokémon Wi-Fi trading community, so all the video gamers can keep out of the hair of those who couldn't give a hoot about the games. xD
