August 4th, 2007

[info]teh_kittykat in [info]07refugees

STOP THE PRESSES! Six Apart may be breaking the law!

In short: Recently, a federal court ruled that companies on the Internet must inform their userbase when they change the contract that the users agreed to. The ruling explicitly says that keeping an up-to-date copy of the contract on the site is not good enough-- companies must actually send out the friggin' e-mail in order to let consumers know.

Not that this probably impacts anyone's bottom line, but if you happen to have a lot of free time/money and saved before/after versions of the LJ TOS.. go to town, man. Six Apart is now open to class-action lawsuits over it according to Uncle Sam.

Yeah, I got nothing else.

[info]rabbitboy in [info]07refugees

One of the things I see coming up over the latest pedophile witch-hunt by Livejournal is reference to a United States law that really does make completely fictional visual and text representations of "minors" illegal.

That law does really exist, but it is a bad law that I believe Livejournal could be interepreting in a fashion to be on the side of the users. Instead, they're interpreting it to either protect their pocketbook, or even worse... they're using it as an excuse to remove material they simply don't like. )

The bottom line is this; Livejournal has become an enemy of free expression. You can scream and rant at them all you want, and you can even hit them in the balls by no longer supporting them financially, but that won't change how they've reacted. Just as in everything else they've done up until this point, if they'd conducted themselves differently, reacted differently, and approached the user base differently, it could be said otherwise. But based on their conduct and treatment of their users thus far, they demonstrate that they are now allies of the racist, sexist, homophobic religious zealots that are the true enemies of free speech and free expression.

This isn't to suggest that you shouldn't scream and rant at them, or refuse to give them any more money. 6A is run by humans, and it's certainly possible they could be guilt-tripped (or given the financial pinch) into doing the right thing again. The question is... can we trust them to stay that way if and when they ever come back to our side?

[info]trialia in [info]07refugees

More migration--

The [info]100_women community now has an IJ base, and previous entries will more than likely be imported by Friday.

[info]trialia (trinity1986@LJ), co-moderator.

[info]shirahime in [info]07refugees

New Asylum

I made [info]snarry_love for the Snape/Harry shippers [hey, we seem to be personae non gratae at LJ, so we should have a place here, no?] Fan works of all types & ratings are welcome, so feel free to join.