[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

To get things rolling and to make some friends in this new site, I present the MULTIFANDOM FRIENDING MEME.

Fill it out, comment, and make friends on Insanejournal!



Name/Age: Clare/20
Fandoms?: Harry Potter, NCIS
Favourite Couples?: Harry/Neville, Neville/Ginny, anybody/Neville, Ron/Hermione (especially after DH); Abby/Gibbs, Abby/Gibbs/Tony
Favourite Characters?: Neville! And Abby!
Favourite Actor/Actresses?: Matthew Lewis and Pauley Perrette XD
Journal Status(s)?: Free right now, might be paid later if all goes well.
Anything else?: Hi! I'm adorable!
fghfjghjm NCIS CAN I ADD YOU PLS *forgot about it what*
NCIS-lovers are always welcome at my journal! ♥
Hi adorable! Neville! -And- Abby? I think I love you. ♥ Nicole-senpai has good taste ^__^


(psssst, ignore the random poem sitting lonely on my account ~ I'm getting there ;-) )
Hee, hi! And if you love Neville and Abby, then I love you too! (Even if I have no idea who Nicole is.)
(Nicole's [info]queenprosecutor upabove ^.^)
(Ah yes. That would make sense!)