[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

To get things rolling and to make some friends in this new site, I present the MULTIFANDOM FRIENDING MEME.

Fill it out, comment, and make friends on Insanejournal!



Name/Age: Natala/19
Fandoms?: Mainly: Kingdom Hearts. Others: Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Farscape, Firefly, Good Omens, Naruto, Valdemar, Jouster series, various others, various crossovers.
Favourite Couples?: Kingdom Hearts: Sora/Riku, Riku/Sora/Kairi. Anything else I'll try but don't go looking for. Except once in awhile Riku/Kairi.

Buffy: Dawn/Connor

The rest--- whatever. I like a bunch of crossover parings, but in the fandoms themselves, I'll read whatever catches my fancy.

Favourite Characters?: Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Dawn from Buffy, Kagome from Inuyasha, John Crichton from Farscape, all from Firefly.
Favourite Actor/Actresses?: Umm... I don't much pay attention to the actors and actresses, more to the characters they play.
Journal Status(s)?: I've made my last post on Livejournal, it was a Plus, is now a basic, the last post will be used to link to my journal here. This will stay unpaid for awhile – maybe by Christmas I'll have a paid or permanent account, depending on how this coming semester works out and that whole getting a job thing goes.
Anything else?: I lurk more than I post, but feel free to add me. I usually don't add anyone unless I think they'll welcome it, but I usually add back as long as I can see similar interests.
Riiiiku. <3 YYH, Naruto, etc. Friendfriends~?
Sure! *adds~*