[info]blasphemy_blue in [info]07refugees

To get things rolling and to make some friends in this new site, I present the MULTIFANDOM FRIENDING MEME.

Fill it out, comment, and make friends on Insanejournal!



Name/Age: Starr4all/I'll never tell!

Fandoms?: Currently writing: Hex, American Gothic, Grindhouse, and Dawn of the Dead
Read: Harry Potter, any of the above, Friday the 13th the series, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who

Favourite Couples?: Cassie/Azazeal, Selena/Lucas, Cherry/El Wray, Six/Gius, Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten

Favourite Characters?: Way to many to count!

Favourite Actor/Actresses?: Michael Fassbender/not sure

Journal Status(s)?: Free

Anything else?:None that I know of other than a fellow refugee of LJ
Hi! I love American Gothic, Grindhouse, and Dawn of the Dead, and wow, with that first one? No one ever even knows about it! It's part of what made me go 'Gary Cole. You win at life.' hehe.

Mind if I friend you?
I agree about Gary Cole! Not much American Gothic out there though.

Go ahead and friend me!
Oh, and nice icon!
Did you see we have a Hex fan asylum here? [info]theanointedones

I personally prefer Ella/Malachi though :)
I'll go check it out, thanks!

I couldn't get into ella. Her whole business with Cassie left me flat.