[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Insanejournal policies on adult material

I just came across this link on acceptable content while surfing, and thought I'd share in case there are others who are clueless like me. I've checked the old posts and didn't see it posted before, so apologies if I've missed the post.

In a nutshell, the FAQ (written in 2003, for the record), basically state that journals should be decent (by the Miller Test). They do, however, seem to imply that explicit material should be kept under friends lock on non-adult communities and journals. Icons should also be free of explicit material.

In the event where journals or communities are largely adult in nature, a warning should be placed in profile pages. While not stated explicitly, I'd imagine this standard applies even to fiction, because there's no statement to the contrary. It's more to protect both InsaneJournal and yourself, I should think. (In the least, that's what the FAQ says).


Lol..sorry ( I suppose, I should have just said, "mkay, yeah, sure!"), always a bit, umm, lengthy and at times cryptic in my style.

Acme cleaning, in its various forms, is a "clean sweep" type censorship/pedo-hunter group, with association, to my knowledge with a group, AHM (standing for alt.hackers.malicious), which apparently uses tactics including the federal crime of computer hacking to accomplish its ends. So that was why the warning and the trackery/hackery comment about traveling over to any page associated with those groups, - I know nothing about hacking, but would think it helps to have one's ip address.

(I'm thinking if I am wrong on any of that, they will come by and correct me.)

The last bit was just hoping you had, or encouraging you to, have a look around my place before you friended me, is all, so that neither of us ends up disappointed, or worse.

Me too, still, on your last line.
Thanks a ton for explaining. ♥

The last bit was just hoping you had, or encouraging you to, have a look around my place before you friended me, is all, so that neither of us ends up disappointed, or worse.

^^ That was rather thoughtful of you. I actually read some of your journal and your profile before asking (a habit I picked up over the years because I find defriending very messy business). And I'm still saying I want to friend (and have).

Just saying, is all.


ACME Cleaning Services

with association, to my knowledge with a group, AHM

there is no formal association between ACME and AHM.

trackery/hackery comment about traveling over to any page associated with those groups

just use a proxy. it's actually been pretty boring on the blog lately. that might change, but no promises.

thanks for all the help Mark. when things get slow, we know we can always count on you to spread more lies and dis/mis-information about ACME. the check's in the mail!=)

Re: ACME Cleaning Services

(I'm thinking if I am wrong on any of that, they will come by and correct me.)

... but still, formal, informal, whichever - the "association" is largely immaterial.

we know we can always count on you to spread more lies and dis/mis-information

And so, it would appear we are even, at least.