[info]sagami in [info]07refugees

Insanejournal policies on adult material

I just came across this link on acceptable content while surfing, and thought I'd share in case there are others who are clueless like me. I've checked the old posts and didn't see it posted before, so apologies if I've missed the post.

In a nutshell, the FAQ (written in 2003, for the record), basically state that journals should be decent (by the Miller Test). They do, however, seem to imply that explicit material should be kept under friends lock on non-adult communities and journals. Icons should also be free of explicit material.

In the event where journals or communities are largely adult in nature, a warning should be placed in profile pages. While not stated explicitly, I'd imagine this standard applies even to fiction, because there's no statement to the contrary. It's more to protect both InsaneJournal and yourself, I should think. (In the least, that's what the FAQ says).


It seems reasonable enough to me, and I'd prefer to have restrictive standards and know what they are than be on LJ and not have a clue. :P Even my slightly dodgy icons, and I don't think I have any of them on this account, are more aesthetics than porn.
I feel the same. It's nice to see that someone else feels the same too. ^^
Well, it makes sense to me. Also, it's a lot clearer than all the waffling LJ/SA managed in two complete posts.
XD And it saves [info]squeaky the trouble of reading fanfiction to see if it's approved material?
He might want to read it, has anyone asked? XD

Apparently someone on LJ got theirs reviewed as a fic when they submitted it for content approval. Can't remember where I read it about it, GJ I think.
That was probably me! XD I seriously laughed way hard when the response came in.
Awesome! I hope it was a good review? XD
Yeah, actually. The story's one that's been floating around the net for a bit over a year, I think, and it's the one that seems to get the best reviews of mine.
Coolness. What fandom? (I need to find somewhere with more fic recs).
Harry Potter. Seems to be where I do most of my writing lately, though I'm starting to think about the planning for my original-verse Nano, so I'll probably get more into playing with that sometime.
Can I be cheeky and ask for a link?

Ah, Nano. I need to work on my original stuff more for that. I did it last year, but I'd like to be a little more prepared this time round.
Here ya go.

Yeah, last year I changed my mind last minute and did a fanfic because I have problems writing longer things and setting it in a world someone else came up with is easier :P Now I have a win under my belt it makes me a bit more confident to do something original this year. That's the idea, at least.

I had the same problem. I ended out writing a crack fanfic in with original stuff.

Now I know I can do it, I'm trying for the totally original this time round. I wish you luck with yours.
You too :) Mine's Yet Another Fantasy-verse, which means I'm totally allowed to buy a pile of fantasy novels to read. For research, see. *nods solemnly* The world's been vaguely floating in my mind for probably two or three years now.. bout time I started to actually do something with it.
You as well?

I admit it, mine's a Fantasy-verse which spawned in my head from a backstory of an artefact I wrote in a DMC fanfic about 2 or so years ago. Since then it's evolved and developed more characters and turned into someting very different. I also need to finally do something with it.
Mine spawned from playing MUDs and reading a lot of books, I think. :P Not that you can tell that anymore, I don't think. It's sort of mutated a fair amount.
Is it okay if I friend?
Sure :)
Interesting. I only read a general "what's prohibited on IJ?" before joining.

I still don't know what the Miller test means. It's a case to case decision, isn't it? And you could argue that fanfic always has a artistic value.
True, but that's what the FAQ is for, isn't it? I mean, it seems to recognise that the Miller test is vague already, and tries to remedy it. Which is why I linked it. If it were just the Miller test, I wouldn't have bothered, because it's just what LJ has done, and we all know how clear that was.

Personally, I wouldn't bother quibbling on the "fiction" end, because I feel that InsaneJournal has already been very open. They've already allowed for adult material to be unlocked--providing that it's on a journal that states that it's adult in nature (and says as much to warn folks)--and given you the option of locking it if the idea of giving a warning is too distasteful. I can't see what else would be lacking.

I mean, personally, I think that just putting a little note on any journal (and a post to be safe), then putting the material behind a cut would suffice. It seems to me that the general rule is like what [info]littlegirllover says below: Myself, I'd like to see all such places drop Miller, and adopt more of a "keep it private and make a warning" kind of policy - this way, if you knock on the door, and you come in, and you don't like what you find (offensive in your community), well then, just leave - ya didn't stumble upon it all unawares, you asked to see it. That way, you can just eliminate all "abuse complaints" about any written material in such a place, except that which is directly advocating or advising criminal activity.

Because to me, clicking on a cut is pretty intentional; putting a warning on your journal already warns anyone who friends you that such content will be about (so if they friend you and disable lj-cuts it's not really something you can help).
Putting content behind a cut and a warning in your post/bio if it's of an adult nature is pretty much our "community standard" rule so we are all good. ;)

Thanks again for the link.

Miller is so last century

Well cool. I really don't think in the "mainstream" one can ask for more. They do have those little pieces of wood covering the latest issue of Juggs and Playgirl down at the corner community store, after all.

While I do think Miller is silly, antiquated, and certainly hard to apply in a "world-wide community," the friends-lock for more explicit content seems a reasonable one. (In re, Miller, a federal judge, a year or two ago, ruled that, in regard to Internet-based cases, the most stringent (tight-assed) "community standards" could reasonable by applied - which is serious silliness.)

Myself, I'd like to see all such places drop Miller, and adopt more of a "keep it private and make a warning" kind of policy - this way, if you knock on the door, and you come in, and you don't like what you find (offensive in your community), well then, just leave - ya didn't stumble upon it all unawares, you asked to see it. That way, you can just eliminate all "abuse complaints" about any written material in such a place, except that which is directly advocating or advising criminal activity.

Applying Miller to the Internet, arguably, is like applying Christian, Talibanic, or KuKluxKlanic canonic law to the whole wide world...and just, no, on that one.

Re: Miller is so last century

^^ I feel the same, actually. I particularly like the idea of "keep it private and make a warning kind of policy". I think it's very consistent with what the FAQ says, and is something that I'm going to apply myself.

So thanks a ton for the tip!

Re: Miller is so last century

You bet, and you're welcome.

And yes, I haven't any doubt the same crusaders who rattled LJ's cage will soon be at the asylum's moat, making it difficult, indeed, for IJ to live up to that "we won't remove anything without an order." So, if IJ is willing to hang that flag out, and allow me to have an open and welcoming living room, well, then, it's not asking much for me to close the bedroom door.

Re: Miller is so last century

They already are here.

I'm glad to see that there are people who share the opinion that it's better to close the bedroom door to preserve the living room. ♥ Mind if I friend?

Re: Miller is so last century

Ahhh yes, (hitches up trousers and pushes suspenders out with thumbs, then off to the side) the ol' Fedrol lawbreakers is in the house. (Careful over there - trackery leads ta hackery) Heh - their methods may be modern, but their minds are so last millennium.

And, hmm. I wonder just how insane [info]squeaky is going to be willing to try and drive 'em? It could be fun. Or not. If nothing else, I am sure it will be interesting.

As to friend, nah - if you've seen the furniture, the book titles and some of the art and lighting, I don't mind at all. I never do.

Re: Miller is so last century

*pretends to have understood the comment*

I'm sure to be able to understand it some day, though. ;)
Lol..sorry ( I suppose, I should have just said, "mkay, yeah, sure!"), always a bit, umm, lengthy and at times cryptic in my style.

Acme cleaning, in its various forms, is a "clean sweep" type censorship/pedo-hunter group, with association, to my knowledge with a group, AHM (standing for alt.hackers.malicious), which apparently uses tactics including the federal crime of computer hacking to accomplish its ends. So that was why the warning and the trackery/hackery comment about traveling over to any page associated with those groups, - I know nothing about hacking, but would think it helps to have one's ip address.

(I'm thinking if I am wrong on any of that, they will come by and correct me.)

The last bit was just hoping you had, or encouraging you to, have a look around my place before you friended me, is all, so that neither of us ends up disappointed, or worse.

Me too, still, on your last line.
Thanks a ton for explaining. ♥

The last bit was just hoping you had, or encouraging you to, have a look around my place before you friended me, is all, so that neither of us ends up disappointed, or worse.

^^ That was rather thoughtful of you. I actually read some of your journal and your profile before asking (a habit I picked up over the years because I find defriending very messy business). And I'm still saying I want to friend (and have).

Just saying, is all.


ACME Cleaning Services

with association, to my knowledge with a group, AHM

there is no formal association between ACME and AHM.

trackery/hackery comment about traveling over to any page associated with those groups

just use a proxy. it's actually been pretty boring on the blog lately. that might change, but no promises.

thanks for all the help Mark. when things get slow, we know we can always count on you to spread more lies and dis/mis-information about ACME. the check's in the mail!=)

Re: ACME Cleaning Services

(I'm thinking if I am wrong on any of that, they will come by and correct me.)

... but still, formal, informal, whichever - the "association" is largely immaterial.

we know we can always count on you to spread more lies and dis/mis-information

And so, it would appear we are even, at least.
I don't think that asking folks to f-lock and warn potentially sensitive material is asking too much. It's only fair to let people know what they are getting into.

Besides, [info]squeaky has stated that he won't ban or delete anything without an official take-down notice, so the worst that will happen is someone will be asked to lock something down. That's not really that bad, is it?

"it depends"

For me, the Miller v. California test is a very serious problem awaiting to snag just about anything.
I seem to recall The Onion® having an article in which 'The U. S. Supreme Court rules, “It depends”'.
But in this case, it really did declare that.

One of the links I had on my former LJ User Info Page was a link to Lil Miss Kitty (anonymized - NSFW). On this page is the list of United States Communities whose residents could not subscribe to the site. (It is in a small text box near the foot.)
It includes twenty-one states!

This is a reaction to the Miller case. What is legal in San Francisco, CA. [incredibly - where LJ's servers are hosted] can be “illegal” in Celebration, FL.
This is absurd.
There is no equivalent of the 21st Amendment to the U. S. Constitution (which gives to each state the power to license beverages) for porn / smut / erotica.

It is one of the reasons why I created a semi-anonymous personae on LJ to traffic in its erotic communities. I was not going to become the person busted for subscribing to a pay adult website in a restrictive community.