[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

o la!

Hey guys! We made fandom_wank! Or at least, Vassilissa did. Oh, I am so amused, so very amused.

"As the ripples from the Great LJ Strikeout of 2007 continues, unh, lapping at the shores of fandom, a number of fandom folks have started looking for alternatives and setting up accounts (or at least cybersquatting their names) on those journaling sites...."


I also felt that $45 Canadian for the permenant account & extra user pics. For me I wanted to support the site and get rid of the ads (I am so glad the paid accounts are back so I can support the site for my RPG journals.)

The colour scheme here is so much better than GJ. Yeah it's grey and yellow and it's not as pretty as LJ's colour schemes but it's not eye-bleeding.

Although I think that the Original Poster's dislike for IJ was rather inane (since I don't find IJ mocks mental illness in any way), I think that they have the courage to stand by their convictions by not getting an account here (even if it means that someone steals their name.)

Personally the best thing about the LJ wankage is it brought people here because I've actually been a fan of IJ way before the wankage, I just never used it as much as I do now because it wasn't as well-populated as LJ and I just didn't have the time to search out new friends and there wasn't a huge fandom community here before the SA/LJ wankage.