[info]keieeeye in [info]07refugees

o la!

Hey guys! We made fandom_wank! Or at least, Vassilissa did. Oh, I am so amused, so very amused.

"As the ripples from the Great LJ Strikeout of 2007 continues, unh, lapping at the shores of fandom, a number of fandom folks have started looking for alternatives and setting up accounts (or at least cybersquatting their names) on those journaling sites...."


NOW I remember why I loathe wank communities....
Most people in them always seem to be awfully pleased with themselves for some reason.
Oh, wow. They linked a post here on IJ that I had commented on! (Non-wankily, I hope!)
Ever see a Allie Gator roll on her back, legs wiggling in air LOL!?

That's what THIS Allie Gator is doing now.

God, I hate wank sites, but they can be so funny. And I love the couple who try to timidly-sounding poke in with a "but, she's right". *snort* and the Zombies with DeadJournal. *snorffle*

My biggest concern is the FW is pointing people to here, who will get journals then squat. That can not be good for Squeeky, can it? A drain on the servers?

This is such a friendlier, calmer place than LJ. I adore it.
Hopefully there won't be too many squatters, but I'm not sure how the server load works - presumably if they're not even using the accounts it's not that much bandwidth, I would think.

I thought it was interesting people talking about how fandom won't move as a whole, it'll be like fanfiction.net where it all fractured and no one really knows where anyone else is. The thing is, I don't want fandom as a whole to move here. As it is now, we're a community, and I like that.
It's part of a cycle. When a site gets too large, the only way to maintain it is to adopt a set of practices that are too impersonal for the individual members, and minority-interest groups start getting shafted. I left fanfiction.net years ago when they announced that they were removing all stories rated NC-17 from the servers. That pissed me off because my NC-17 fiction, and that of a lot of other writers, had been some of the big attractors that had helped fanfiction.net get as large as it did in the first place. Now that I'd helped build them up, they wanted to censor me or show me the door. I got mightily pissed and pulled all of my stories, and didn't look back.

LiveJournal is essentially repeating fanfiction.net's history, and if the dispersal pattern holds true, IJ will take on a number of niche fandoms but won't become a new fandom mecca. Fandom on the internet will simply decentralize... and the portion that remains on LJ will deteriorate in overall quality and maturity the way the portion remaining on fanfiction.net did. Nobody called ff.n the "pit of voles" while I was still posting there. XD
Fascinating history lesson. :) I've actually thought and commented on it (the deteriorating quality bit) myself in a tiny kind of way - that IJ, being "off the beaten track" as it were, tends to attract the alternative, free-thinking type, rather than the type that seem to flock places and type in annoying txtspeak. :P
I thought it was interesting people talking about how fandom won't move as a whole, it'll be like fanfiction.net where it all fractured and no one really knows where anyone else is.

People are comparing the LJ migration to what happened with FF.net, and how none of the other sites that cropped up ever really went anywhere because everyone wound up staying with FF.net -- they're wrong.

More and more people moved fic to LJ. And what's more, LJ is more than just a fic archive. There's a much, much broader range of interaction and fandom on LJ than there ever was on FF.net, and quite honestly, it's easier to duplicate that interaction. It takes time for the growth to happen, but it's more likely that an LJ-clone site, if providing the right enviroment for fandom, would flourish in time, due to the sheer nature of the community itself. FF.net has always been rather limited (especially during its time of cleansings) in how writers and readers can interact with each other. If nobody checks someone's profile, they might not know they left. And its' against TOS to publish a chapter that's a note of any sort, unless you have a fic go with.
Ooh, good points. And very true. It's human nature to want that kind of interaction, and just the interaction itself will draw people in. And people being individuals, even if all the clone sites were exact technical clones, they'd still probably end up tending towards different purposes and things.
Exactly... ff.net kept raw numbers but lost a great deal of the more intellectual participation. People who wanted to explore more difficult topics knew their work wouldn't be safe there. They still list me as a member (as does LJ, which also pretentiously trumpets 13 million user accounts) but I packed up all of my toys and left ages back.

I think we will see some of the same decentralizing pattern that happened to ff.net, though. LJ will remain the prominent and best-known service, but will become more of a great big kiddie-pool where fandom newbies start out before they find their real niches. The wank ratio will probably increase, and with that new (and so horrid) "report this" link, there'll be a lot of TOS wars. Just like on ff.net. It'll be the service people outgrow for smaller, more focused communities on other journaling services like this one.

I'm perfectly happy to not have everybody in fandom piling in here, myself, because it'll be more fun to actually keep and develop our own unique culture, and attract the segment of fandom that it resonates with. Nobody can be all things to all people; ff.net learned that years ago, LJ is discovering it now, and I'd rather IJ just learned from their mistakes instead of repeating them. :)
I'm perfectly happy to not have everybody in fandom piling in here, myself, because it'll be more fun to actually keep and develop our own unique culture, and attract the segment of fandom that it resonates with. Nobody can be all things to all people; ff.net learned that years ago, LJ is discovering it now, and I'd rather IJ just learned from their mistakes instead of repeating them. :)

I've noticed that seems to be the general trend here. Basically every person I've seen express an opinion has said they want IJ to stay smaller, so it remains a community where everyone knows each other.
That was more what was concerning me too.

I like it over here the way it is. To an extent, the less people here, the better.

I like the small, friendly atmosphere of IJ.
*scritches* What I find amusing is that the name (OMG how horrific) is the main thing that made me check it out. Well, and you of course, Allie.
Oh, and Allie Luvs her Joe. *Joe Love*

Allie needs a AllieLuvsJoe icon *snorffle* Allie is glad she could make you trip over her and come here. Lucas, too? soon?

She might. I'll try and talk her into it. Once I've posted all my fic I'm going to set up duplicates of my challenges over here. One of the things that's keeping me on LJ is all my fic challenges. So at the very least I can set up copies of the ones I'm running here.
Don't know what the trend of opinions is here, but from the moment I saw that post on metafandom, I thought, "Okay...InsaneJournal is kind of a vaguely...stupid name, but, um, I don't think it's like the fanboys are oppressing us." I gotta come down on the "overreaction what?" side of things.
The funny thing is that people glorifying mental illness and insomnia is one of my major pet peeves. And yet... not so much with the insipid fanboys here.
Heh. That was hilarious.

That was a rather silly reason to be upset with IJ.

I mean if Vassilissa feels that way, how do they feel about DeadJournal and how that site mocks the death, dying and the such? In that sense IJ and DJ are identical.

What irks me is all the people who are in agreement about how IJ is horrible for mocking mental illness but they've all got their user accounts with their names here.
lol yes! I find it hilarious. "Oh I hate that place, whine whine, even though I have an account there."

I also don't really understand the people complaining about the "eye-bleeding" colour scheme or the ads. The colour scheme looks perfectly fine to me, and I actually barely notice the ads when I'm logged into a free account, and I don't seem to get them on my perm account. Which was a fantastic buy for NZ$40 - I got it like a day or two after I made the account, when the NZ dollar was really strong. It used to be that US$1 was about NZ$2.
I also felt that $45 Canadian for the permenant account & extra user pics. For me I wanted to support the site and get rid of the ads (I am so glad the paid accounts are back so I can support the site for my RPG journals.)

The colour scheme here is so much better than GJ. Yeah it's grey and yellow and it's not as pretty as LJ's colour schemes but it's not eye-bleeding.

Although I think that the Original Poster's dislike for IJ was rather inane (since I don't find IJ mocks mental illness in any way), I think that they have the courage to stand by their convictions by not getting an account here (even if it means that someone steals their name.)

Personally the best thing about the LJ wankage is it brought people here because I've actually been a fan of IJ way before the wankage, I just never used it as much as I do now because it wasn't as well-populated as LJ and I just didn't have the time to search out new friends and there wasn't a huge fandom community here before the SA/LJ wankage.
Yeah, I don't get it either. I think the name scheme is clever and I don't see where there's any indication of mocking people with mental illness.
I like it. It sets both DJ and IJ apart instead of just a complete knock off of LJ.
Clearly, Vaselinelisa needs to be gifted with 10,000 Maniacs and Disturbed CDs.
feeling bitchy, watch out.
and we just love em all too. If they don't like it, wellllllll
they can all stay where they are! We all love IJ and if anyone's counting, the weirdest place in cyberspace is DJ not IJ and LostJ is weird toooooooo.
ok rant over!