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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jun. 9th, 2008|09:50 pm]
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voicepost )
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[Jun. 8th, 2008|11:22 am]

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Things are looking up.

Alice- Hey, are you still having your party? If you are, do you want me to bring anything?

Kyle- I have news of the good variety.

Henry- How's your face?
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[Jun. 5th, 2008|03:19 pm]
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I've just made a few purchases. After recent events, I felt the need to have a few places where I, and/or others, can go to ground safely. I now need alarm systems that will make these places safer than Fort Knox.

Dean )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2008|01:42 am]
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First: To any hospital workers from New York, you guys are really efficient. Thank you. My face feels much better now.

Secondly: To the employees of the All-Seeing Agency )

Thirdly: Dean )

Fourthly: Solvei )

Fifthly: Divinities and other cosmic entities )
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[May. 31st, 2008|11:38 pm]

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I thought I fixed this once already.

Well then.

Perhaps someone can assist me with directions? I'm also finding it somewhat troublesome that I'm now in London, and fluent in English. Any assistance would be appreciated.
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[May. 27th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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So having looked into it, I've made a decision. I'm going to open up a paranormal investigation agency. It'll be called the All-Seeing Agency and be based in California, but our investigations will be global. I've purchased a large warehouse and had it turned into a fairly casual office building, with a very large storeroom.

I am going to need people proficient with magic to put wards on this storeroom. I need all different kinds of wards. Pretty much any protective ward you can think of, for everything from artifacts to spirits to, I don't know, anti-violence wards or something. I want this place to be the magical equivalent of Alcatraz. ...Only without any fatal flaws that would allow a catastrophic jailbreak.

I'll also be interviewing investigators. Send resumes to [insert email address here]. I want to stress that this job could be dangerous. There may be monsters. I've encountered one bigger than a house...and he's not anywhere near being the king monster. If you're not willing to do a dangerous job, don't send in your resume. I can completely understand if you'd prefer not to go into danger, but I'm looking for people that are willing to do so for this job. You should also be aware that we may end up with stuff in the storeroom that could be extremely dangerous if it breaks the wards I intend to get put on it.

And of course, I'll be checking on each and every person involved, from the, uh...wizards? Mages? Magi? The people putting wards on the storehouse, all the way down to the guy that delivers the mail.
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[May. 27th, 2008|12:24 am]
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Slayers (not viewable by Solvei) )
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[May. 26th, 2008|05:41 pm]

I've done a little checking, and now I'm at the "interview others" stage of this whole thing. So, to get right to the point: Anybody having any problems with paranormal activity around here? Since the day I was a PI, I've been thinking about it, and after we got back to normal and I spent some time relaxing and trying to blot out the WWII battle, I checked to see what ever happened to that PI. Turns out he survived the encounter with Dagon, but ended up making wild accusations about the Esoteric Order and they ruined him, drove him insane, and had him committed to an asylum where he hung himself with his underwear.

So I was thinking. Maybe I should retool and reopen the agency, but instead of it being a private investigation place, it would be a paranormal investigation agency. Also I would be changing the name to just All-Seeing Agency. I'd only be doing this if there's enough paranormal activity to actually investigate though, so that's what I'm surveying here.

If you don't feel like sharing, that's fine, but I want everyone to know that I've seen and done quite a lot. I won't look at you and make any kind of judgment or call you crazy.
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[May. 26th, 2008|02:38 pm]

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My bakery that I own is pretty sweet. I apparently own the bakery that's at the store front level and my loft type apartment above it. It's fully staffed, which means no having to have to actually cook anything myself. Also, it has, a coffee bar!

My apartment is gorgeous. It's bigger than anything I've ever lived in before. It has a balcony around the back. Which is nice for when I get claustrophobic. The person that I replaced was also the same size as me. More clothes and shoes then a girl really needs, but I'm not gonna complain too much about that.

*locked to medical professionals* )
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[May. 26th, 2008|12:47 am]
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Never thought I'd say this but thank god I'm back to being Tom Cruise. I spent the entirety of yesterday running around a battlefield shooting things. I have no clue where. There was too much chaos for me to even stop to figure that out.

Hey, universe? Let's never do this again.
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[May. 25th, 2008|09:13 pm]

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Um... this isn't where I parked my car.

Can anyone tell me where I am?
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[May. 24th, 2008|11:19 am]
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I'm inside the internet. Like, inside it. I have no idea how to...it's like that Reboot show! Only instead of being contained to one computer I can be in any computer. And I can be in the internet. This is weird.
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[May. 23rd, 2008|04:54 pm]
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I'm apparently a photojournalist again, but I've got this...behemoth that seems to be some kind of camera. It's...it's like a backpack. I can't believe something this clunky works, but it does.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|12:37 am]
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...I thought getting off the reef would be great. A good thing.


...Wait I'm a pirate? Oh thank god. Obed Marsh wasn't a pirate captain. Okay, I can deal with this. We're headed for port. I can deal with being on the water for another hour.

...If anyone hears about a ship being eaten by a sea monster, have a toast for me.
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[May. 21st, 2008|12:22 am]
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Now I'm a PI, in a place called Arkham. I've got a ton of notes, as well as a big book of all of the witch hunter's notes. Apparently I'm related to the guy I was yesterday.

And this guy? Has a meeting scheduled with a guy in a place called Innsmouth. About a cult.

...I think this guy is stupid. He's walking into a clear trap with a total of one gun. If I don't show up, they'll probably assume I alerted the authorities and kill me, and if I do show up? They kill me.

Unless I bring backup. Anybody want to go on a field trip to this place? It's...probably going to be dangerous. There may be cultists and monsters.

And if you do come with, for the love of god, stay away from the beaches in this place. This is important.
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[May. 20th, 2008|12:19 am]
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...I am in a house with a lot of weird stuff.

Occult books.



Iron maidens.

I think I'm a witch hunter. This is not good. I have nothing against witches, or warlocks, or wizards or any magic as long as it isn't used to hurt people.

I wonder if I can barricade myself in my house without people noticing...
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[May. 19th, 2008|11:09 pm]
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So, just another protip? Never try to quit a poker game before the other guys decide you're done. Apparently that's an offense punishable by big fucking bullets in your gut. God this time period sucks.

Universe? We can get back to normal any time now, thanks so much.

Also I am so fucking glad Curly Bill gets shot to death. Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit.

Claire )
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[May. 19th, 2008|10:29 am]
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(OOC: Since these things are paper I figure that people might see blood on this one. It's enough to be called splatters rather than drops.)




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[May. 19th, 2008|12:12 am]
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A few points.

1.) Why am I dressed like an extra from Tombstone?
2.) Why are there guns in hip holsters on my person?
And most importantly:
3.) Why the fuck am I in Tombstone?

EDIT: Protip: Never stop to scribble in a journal before folding and walking away from the poker table. Never. Thank god I had enough money to buy another round of whiskey.
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[May. 16th, 2008|09:33 pm]
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So apparently Will Smith and I hang out. Just a tip for anyone else that hangs out with him: He's not too keen on singing the Fresh Prince theme. Something about some guys in London "Bel Air"ing the Scientology building there. After he left I looked it up on youtube. It was hilarious. I don't know if that's appropriate for me to say, considering up until I got here the guy I replaced was the poster boy for Scientology, but... Hell, it was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

I found this movie. They called it some name I'm not familiar with, but I watched it and except for a few errors it was actually pretty good. They got the cult all wrong, though. Apparently there are also video games. ...I don't know how I feel about the most traumatic experience in my life being the subject of a video game.
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[May. 16th, 2008|11:45 am]
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I need a job that does not entail catering to The Man. Which is a lot harder to find than I thought it'd be. I was giving thought to writing books. Something about the story of my life. Or a tell all about God being the asshole he is. But I don't have the patience for that right now. And I want something fun.

Anybody hiring? I don't know what I want to do so I'm open to suggestions. I'll even take suggestions on what line of work I should go into.

Maybe I should join the Church of Satan as a preacher. Wonder what that kind of thing pays.
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|07:07 pm]
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Well, I am now officially divorced. I keep telling myself it was for the best, that I couldn't have pretended to love this guy's wife... I think that's the only way I won't get overwhelmed with guilt. Part of me still thinks it would've been better if I'd just suffered in silence, but what's done is done. Hopefully she'll find somebody a hell of a lot better than me and be much happier.

I also had to back out of a movie this guy is doing. Some sci-fi action thing. It sounded pretty cool, but I'm definitely not an action star. I still get a little jumpy when I hear things moving behind me, no way do I want to risk flipping out on a set. When this divorce hits the media, I'm going to be scandalized enough, I don't need flipping out on a set added to it.

Still no sign of Walter, thank God. I definitely don't need him showing up right now.
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|01:14 pm]

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I've found a school that my "family" approves of, and I get to start in a couple of weeks. I'm actually excited about the uniforms - it'll make getting ready every day easier. I've never really been one to care about how I dress.

So much for summer vacation. I hope the differences between school in Wisconsin and school in London aren't too large. I'm glad I stayed here, though. I don't even want to know what school would have been like in Belgium.

Edit: Wait, what? School started on the 21st? I'm a late register? ... I have to go to school tomorrow already?
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[Apr. 27th, 2008|10:57 pm]

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shake shake shake
shake shake shake

~shake yo' booty~
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[Apr. 25th, 2008|11:47 pm]

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I got called a freak today when I used the Force.

I've been helping a girl with emerging mutant powers who's been threatened by kids from school. I'm a freak for helping? I used to call myself a freak of nature, but it was different. Somehow, all this time, no one else has ever called me a freak. And never with such hatred. They weren't just scared. They honestly hated us.

They cornered this girl after school in an alley and were kicking her while she was down, and she was too scared to use her powers to help herself because they already hated her so much for it. I don't think I've ever really had a taste of what mutant persecution was like. I hadn't really seen it for myself and hadn't experienced it until today. I know it happened a lot back in the reality mutants come from, but I realized today I have no idea what mutants have gone through and how much some people hate them.

I guess my point is that I respect anyone with special abilities a little more today. Sometimes, it takes a lot of guts to be different.
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[Apr. 24th, 2008|03:31 am]

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Sam. )

In other news:


How the hell did I only just now discover this game?
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[Apr. 22nd, 2008|07:08 pm]

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I did it! I did it! I summoned a glyph all by myself and piloted it out to the ocean. It's not quite the Abarat - the sea smells different - but I'll take it.

It's nice being alone. I didn't realize princesses had so many people around them constantly.
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|02:08 pm]
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I am tired of the showing off of my assets. I do not wish to model any longer.

Does anyone know of a line of work in which I would be more efficient? I have many attributes, not the least of which is a talent in the kicking of the butt. Perhaps somebody is in need of a guard for their body?
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|09:04 am]
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I've discovered something horrifying.

Since getting here, I've been staying in a hotel and paying with whatever cash I have on me. (This, I guess, should've been my first clue. I have a lot more on hand than I used to.) I was honestly afraid to look at my ID.

So I am relaxing on the couch in the suite I've been staying in, wondering why the bellhop keeps coming to the door with free room service. I feared maybe I was a politician. (Nothing against you guys if there are any politicians reading this, it's just that politics is not my style at all.) I developed several theories. Maybe I was just a very frequent guest of this hotel, and they were rewarding my loyalty by providing me free room service, even when I haven't asked for the food or the drinks they bring. Maybe I was an assassin that had serviced a prominent member of the hotel staff, and thus get to make use of room service for free. (Not that I can see myself killing people for money, but it at least explained the free room service.) Maybe I was just really, really lucky.

So I was watching a movie while relaxing. It was a harmless movie, despite the star of it recently becoming a little bit of a nutjob. I actually liked this movie.

Mission: Impossible. (Some of you will be able to see where I am going with this.)

So I'm watching, and I'm enjoying it, right? And then Ethan Hunt reveals himself on screen, and who do I see? I do not see that wacky, couch-jumping spokesman for Scientology.

I see myself.
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[Apr. 19th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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Uh...I'm not really sure how to go about this. I was told that there were people here with experience with, uh, ghosts and monsters and cultists. I was wondering if I could talk to any of you? It...well, I'm not sure if it's urgent or not, or even important. But I think maybe it's better to be safe than sorry.

God, I sound like a nutjob...
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[Apr. 19th, 2008|04:22 pm]

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... someone? I know this sounds crazy - and maybe I am, for all I know - but what year is it, and where am I?
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[Apr. 17th, 2008|12:34 am]
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A...tornado? Huh. That's a new one.
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