[Aug. 17th, 2008|05:44 pm] |
Fucking clown.
( Jonas )
( Monster ) |
[Jul. 9th, 2008|06:34 pm] |
So the apartment feels really empty with Merlin gone. And the animated furniture is really difficult to get used to.
Anyone want to go dancing with me? It's been a while since I've gone out just for fun. |
[Jun. 28th, 2008|09:44 am] |
: This is sudden, even for us.
: He's the man of her dreams.
: Jonas, baby, will you marry me? |
[Jun. 16th, 2008|08:18 pm] |
So, I'm ready to head off on my next adventure.
Anyone care to join me? |
[May. 29th, 2008|11:13 pm] |
Sleep schmeep.
You know that you need sleep when you're reading Nietzsche of all things. The same line over and over. And you just can't stop reading it. Insomnia does some wacky things to your brain.
"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."
What if you would rather not give birth to a star? Wouldn't it kind of hurt a little? Especially a dancing star? Yes, I'm being literal and it is a metaphor and blah blah.
Universe? I think I'd rather have a little less chaos, thanks. |
[May. 29th, 2008|10:01 pm] |
So apparently a week-long meditation/coma hasn't taught me anything, I'm right back to coffee after dark.
On the plus side, it does seem to make the plants more vibrant, I think they like it better when I'm full of caffeine.
Anyway, I've got some time on my hands, and I'm wide awake, anybody got a good way to spend the time? |
[May. 29th, 2008|08:59 am] |
Okay. Weird glowy lights, strange weather, and interdimensional oddness is something that comes with living in my world.
But suddenly being referred to as someone else, and having complete strangers think you are that person and have been known by them for life? That is new.
So is this nifty communications forum. Good idea, whoever did it.
My name is Vance Astrovik, and I have just one question; where the heck am I? |
[May. 27th, 2008|11:50 pm] |
( Belle ) |
[May. 27th, 2008|11:03 pm] |
So having looked into it, I've made a decision. I'm going to open up a paranormal investigation agency. It'll be called the All-Seeing Agency and be based in California, but our investigations will be global. I've purchased a large warehouse and had it turned into a fairly casual office building, with a very large storeroom.
I am going to need people proficient with magic to put wards on this storeroom. I need all different kinds of wards. Pretty much any protective ward you can think of, for everything from artifacts to spirits to, I don't know, anti-violence wards or something. I want this place to be the magical equivalent of Alcatraz. ...Only without any fatal flaws that would allow a catastrophic jailbreak.
I'll also be interviewing investigators. Send resumes to [insert email address here]. I want to stress that this job could be dangerous. There may be monsters. I've encountered one bigger than a house...and he's not anywhere near being the king monster. If you're not willing to do a dangerous job, don't send in your resume. I can completely understand if you'd prefer not to go into danger, but I'm looking for people that are willing to do so for this job. You should also be aware that we may end up with stuff in the storeroom that could be extremely dangerous if it breaks the wards I intend to get put on it.
And of course, I'll be checking on each and every person involved, from the, uh...wizards? Mages? Magi? The people putting wards on the storehouse, all the way down to the guy that delivers the mail. |
[May. 20th, 2008|02:45 pm] |
So, who wants to help me find find out information about the Crown of Solomon? We've got to work fast, because I don't really want to be out and about if someone decides to go on another witch hunt. I'm wearing enough knives to sink like a stone. |
[May. 19th, 2008|06:40 pm] |
If only being displaced still surprised me.
Mmm. Chaps are comfy.
But not spurs. I keep poking myself. So not cool. And the fact that when I went into the only civilization for miles, they called me 'Coyote Jonas' and told me I had a ten thousand dollar bounty for beating up their "varmint mayor." Yikes. Oh, Wild West Me! The shenanigans you get into! |
[May. 1st, 2008|09:57 pm] |
I will build my love a bower Near yon clear crystal fountain And on it I will pile All the flowers of the mountain
That damn song's been stuck in my head ALL DAY. Augh. |
[May. 1st, 2008|09:15 am] |
I swear, you'd think the pope had died, the way the girls are acting.
Hey Merlin, want to come over and stop me from picking up and moving to Reno? Because it looks more and more tempting everyday. |
[Apr. 7th, 2008|08:41 pm] |
( Private, hackable by deities )
I have that weird feeling you get sometimes, like something is missing. Like when you leave for a trip and you're so sure you forgot something even though you double checked all the bags.
Then again, I have a nasty tendency to think waaaaay too much. |
[Apr. 2nd, 2008|10:52 pm] |
Wow. Older me is really old.
Also, I'm totally not working tomorrow night. Anyone want to hang out and consume massive quantities of cake, ice cream, and alcohol?
Because I'm all about the partying. |
[Mar. 28th, 2008|10:35 pm] |
From the bayous of New Orleans, to the streets of Seattle, not much changes. Still damp all the time, still dark and musty smelling, still surrounded by people.
I think I like it better here, though. Don't have to hide as much, and for once, I'm really free. Or as free as anyone ever can be.
I think that I'm getting better. Of course, having people who won't let me feel sorry for myself helps a bit. And the changes I've gone through are pretty visible. Maybe I'm going to be alright after all.
( Ishtar ) |
locked from the older Belle |
[Mar. 22nd, 2008|11:49 am] |
Owww. Ow ow ow.
First I go into intensive training to unleash my inner badass. Which is actually pretty cool, even if it is exhausting.
But now there's another me here?
I think the world might be in unspeakable peril. |
[Mar. 16th, 2008|10:19 pm] |
It would probably save time if I were to stop being surprised every time someone I love leaves.
Turns out I had feelings for him after all. Go figure.
I don't think a night of binge drinking is going to help, for once.
I want to spar with someone who can take what I can dish out. |
[Mar. 13th, 2008|07:12 pm] |
Is it gonna rain? My shoulder hurts. |
[Mar. 8th, 2008|12:12 pm] |
Thank you for your hospitality, Marrow and Aramis. I enjoyed hanging out with you both.
However, I'm very glad to be back in my own body.
Very, very glad.
Whoever caused that is going to suffer. |
[Feb. 29th, 2008|10:52 pm] |
So. . .anybody care to help me cure the craziness?
Because I'd like to not be broken now, please thanks. |
[Feb. 12th, 2008|10:05 pm] |
Well, that was. . .unnecessary.
If Candra shows up, I'm going to shoot myself. For the record.
Alright, so I owe Gilbert a date, Jonas a movie night, and Captain America an answer to a question.
And I have to find some way to make my brother's assets mine. Should be simple enough.
Guess I'm back to business as usual. |
[Feb. 3rd, 2008|04:02 pm] |
So...today I grabbed somebody who jumped out of a building that was falling in on itself. It was weird. They were okay--got kind of burned because the building was on fire--but they're in the hospital and okay.
I've never saved anyone before.
Anyway, long story short, I decided I should try and do that sort of thing more often. I know there's alot of craziness going on right now, so if anyone needs help...I'm volunteering, I guess. If there's anything I can do, I want to help. |
[Jan. 31st, 2008|12:11 am] |
Hey Jonas? Sorry I've been scarce. How are you?
( Caitlin )
( Claire ) |
[Jan. 19th, 2008|10:15 pm] |
i just
that woman
tired. so tired.
(( After this and everything else Jonas currently has going. He's currently got broken fingers, a broken spirit, and is bleeding on his living room floor.)) |
[Jan. 19th, 2008|11:08 pm] |
We have discovered a problem. The effects of this bout of strangeness-
-holy fuck now we're in here at the same time?-
-have passed, but as my friend has just so eloquently stated, this has caused a rather serious problem for us. Neither of us wish to simply give up our lives for the other-
-got that right you piece of shit-
-so we are apparently active in one body at the same time-
-what a fuckarow-
-AND FOR FUCKSAKES JONESY LET ME TYPE! If you want to solve this problem you will cooperate with me!
-fuck you-
You see the problem. I am asking any and all psychics, or doctors of psychology for that matter, to provide suggestions on the best course of action. The only option I can see is some kind of merger-
-fuck that i want my body back and you gone-
-but for obvious reasons this is proving difficult.
Please. Help us. |
[Jan. 19th, 2008|01:03 am] |
Note to self:
Morissey is not the kind of music I want to listen to right now.
And forgetting this is unwise.
I should try and find something to keep me occupied.
Maybe a puppy. |
[Jan. 17th, 2008|11:45 am] |
I have discovered a new food! Pizza! Not only is it delicious in it's own right, but you can even put bacon on it! You people, I swear, you people are geniuses in so many ways.
...How do you people do this to me? |
[Jan. 16th, 2008|10:16 pm] |
It's really weird watching someone struggle with their new powers.
I'm glad those days are over. |
[Jan. 15th, 2008|06:10 pm] |
I have to say, this is almost relaxing. It's been so long since I have had my head to myself. |
[Jan. 13th, 2008|07:43 pm] |
I'm, uh...this is weird, but I guess they weren't bullshitting me in Wyoming...parallel dimensions. Fuck-me-Freddy!
It's very bad that I turned into some thug kid, but my hip's not fucked up anymore so I figure it balances.
But Jesus-Christ-bananas, do people have to think so loud? Last time I was at this level, I was in high school.
So. Anybody want to teach a thirty-something father how to act like a teenager again? |