Posts Tagged: 'peter+parker+%28616%29'

Aug. 11th, 2019



So all you people who have rooms just 'appearing' in your homes... did anyone manage to spawn an entire game room with stuff like Overwatch, Apex, Minecraft appear right? With access to the internet?

Basically I'm saying I'm going through internet withdrawals. I need games and memes.

Jul. 30th, 2019



Has anyone seeing my Charmander? Goes by the name of Hot Tamale? He's cute as a button, but well I yelled at him for chewing on a shoe and starting it on fire. Then he started my table on fire and then ran off and now I feel super bad. But I also had to put out the fires, and he's fast for such small legs.

And I tried web swinging but my god the buildings here suck for it. So if one of you guys who can fly could manage? That'd be super great thanks.

Jul. 17th, 2019


Eeeeey, my arm doesn't look like an Etch a Sketch anymore!

Jul. 9th, 2019



Can we ban stairs around here? Like, just... no more? I keep tripping over them. My balance is so off I'm pretty sure I'm about to trip and break something important. Like my collarbone, or my ego.

...also, can someone come open this jar of pickles for me?

Jul. 6th, 2019



So have you ever been just hanging out, clinging to the side of a building while reading a book, when suddenly you feel a sniffle, you cough, and you suddenly slip from said building to crash straight into a sharp bush?

Because that just happened to me.

I haven't felt this sick or weak since that time MJ made beef stroganoff with that weird mystery meat we had in the fridge. Listen, we were poor at the time, you took chances.

Jul. 2nd, 2019



Okay, quick announcement. Mayor Stark is throwing a 4th of July/Birthday shindig because we don't have enough of those this Thursday.

There's going to be a baseball came Thursday, but I realize a lot of you might not know the rules or even what baseball is. There'll be a quick review of the game tonight at Pancho's for anyone who wants to play on Thursday (we need as many of you as possible). Just show up if you're interested. Or if you have any pointers.

Let me know if you guys have questions!


Okay, I've posted a roster at Pancho's if you're interested in the teams. I tried to be random and fair, but let me know if you have any questions!

Private to Clint

Can you get us cake? We need cake for the big event and you seem to be the go-to

Private to Klaus and Nyx

Can you boys find snacks, hotdogs, hotdog buns, and baseball equipment? I know it's short notice.

Jun. 27th, 2019



Okay, we need to find some new dvds. I've been through the entire collection about a half dozen times now, and if I have to watch Titanic, Cool Runnings, Forrest Gump, or the 3rd season of Friends again I think I'll go absolutely insane.

Are there any other movies, tv shows, or games out there that people are willing to share?

Jun. 9th, 2019



Hey kids!

Hi, yea, it's me. Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

I couldn't help but notice the doors to the building are opening to... well I'm sure most of you know. Anyway, something tells me out in them there hills are probably a pretty decent amount of supplies, would anyone care to join me for a long walk through a door and do a little exploring?

May. 26th, 2019



Hello everyone, I have made it a priority to introduce myself to you all as you’ve arrived. I’m Steve Rogers and I would just like to clarify a few things.

First things first you all see me around a lot because I am actively keeping an eye on things, checking for new arrivals, making sure people have enough to eat and a roof over their heads. I was the first person to arrive here and know it can be an adjustment. I know I’m not the only one doing that, I think there’s a friendly community of welcomers doing the same but I would encourage everyone to check on your neighbours.

Next the majority of people here can look after themselves and I recognise that. But I like to be across who might need a hand, who prefers solitude and who needs a friend.

Please don’t worry about being monitored, I’m really just out for a run, collecting firewood for you all and checking in to see if there’s anything people need.

But If you’re worried about in the unlikely event of something happening and being unable to defend yourself? Please see me and we’ll come up with a plan.



Would anyone be interested in some kind of neighbourhood watch set up? We're all concentrated in one place, leaves a pretty big area going unsupervised.

May. 20th, 2019



Hey guys!

So I love what you've done with the place. It's a bit too quiet for a New Yorker's mind to rest, but that said it smells much nicer here.

That said which of your lovely businesses give out the most calories per meal? I'm starving and need to eat up.

Also, it occurs to me that we're playing Survivor here and I need a job. My skills range from tech to sewing, and I've been told I can make a mean curry, but I did once own my own tech conglomerate, for a short while, so I can help a bit in that department.

May. 17th, 2019



Oh man. This can't be good. Alternate dimensions, really? Is it the 2nd Tuesday of the month already?

Surprise trips to alternate dimensions aren't cool. I don't have any underwear, toothbrush, or deodorant. That last one you guys are absolutely going to regret, trust me. I don't even have a change of clothes, and this suit does NOT breathe.

Any way, hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and if this is Mysterio you're going to be SORELY disappointed by the smudges I put all over that fishbowl of yours.