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Jan. 30th, 2021



Alright, I THINK the cast list is all up to date but I admit that I was halfway through it when I went to faire and then did the rest just now when I got back. So... it might be missing some people/still have ones I was meant to fix.

Leave me a comment here if you spot something!

Jun. 18th, 2020


Text Messages

Here is the post to make text messages in posts.

To make Alan's one-sided message I just cut the code up and used it like I've posted below. You can copy and paste the message section as many times as you like, just make sure it goes above the /div /lj-raw bit.

For replying in comments, this is the code I butchered from it to make it work right:



May. 16th, 2020


HI EVERYONE! I am going to re-do the PB list since I know it still has tonnes of people on it who aren't used any more. SO. What I need you lot to do, is reply to this post with a list of the PBs you still use, EVEN if the characters are NPCs or inactive at the moment (if you have characters you previously dropped which you want to keep the PB around in case you bring them back, lemme know their username and I can add them back as inactive THIS IS 100% OKAY!). Then I can create an entirely new list and make sure it's absolutely up to date!

I'll reply with mine first!

Mar. 26th, 2020



Sen asked about where to find icons these days so I'm posting a link to ones that are still really active:

and, obvs, my own:

(Not posting these to facebook messenger because I don't want to spam it. I always have group chats completely muted on there because I hate the constant dinging on my phone, and then it's a pain to go find in the little window where the last messages I read were so... if someone needs to talk to me, I probably won't check there.)

Mar. 16th, 2020


Hi my darling loves.

As we move towards a time of social distancing and working remotely, I thought it might be a good time to revive this game. EVEN if just for a few weeks/months, to give us all something to do.

My one request, is this - yes we play in real time and we tend to pull real world things into game - let's make an exception here? Let's pretend COVID-19 isn't happening in our happy (well...angsty) funtime world, okay? Pestilence will be sad, but I think it's better for us to have a place away from all that. Is that okay with everyone?

HOKAY so logistics-wise, I think that we should say all the things that happened last in game, happened just recently. Which means Patrick will be quiet for a few days since his last stuff was all just around his feast day last year, and it's just BEFORE his feast day this year. So we'll say that's happening NOW.

If you only want to bring back a few characters, lemme know who. If you want to drop characters (and fair enough since it's been years) lemme know who by commenting here and I can amend cast lists. Also feel free to chat here for plots, etc.

Most important of all though, keep safe and well, my loves. <3

PS whoops, need to fix my mood theme LMAO thanks a lot, photobucket

EDIT: Oh dear GOD we need to change the layout too. HAhahahha what a mess.
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Oct. 7th, 2017



Just so everyone is aware, AIM is being shut down. And I mean...I never go on there any more anyway, BUT that is aside from my point. Since Liz talks about Discord, which is an IM service for gamers, and then N mentioned it as well, I have now installed it on my computer.

If anyone else installs Discord we can even have a Nevermore chatroom if we want!

It works on phones too!

Anyhoo, if you DO get one, reply here with your Discord # and we can all add each other! I am Shamrocked and I am #7347 :D

Aug. 22nd, 2017



I am slow atm because I'm still sick, uuuggghhhhhhh. But anyway, I am bringing back King Arthur [info]insulaavallonis and am open for plotting with him!

Will get to drops soon!

We have new players though, which is awesome! So I will post my usual reminder - the best way to keep up activity and retain new players, is interaction. Comment on journals with more than one character if you have the time, and comment even if you don't know the character, etc blah blah blah yay play.
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Aug. 20th, 2017



I have advertised the game again, hoping to bring in some new blood because things have been stale for a bit! Hope you're all okay with it! Now we just need to keep people when they apply.

Gonna clean up the cast page a bit, wheee.

I am also dropping a few (I was brutal on my castlist):

Megaera, Libitina, Zelus, Neopotolemos, Urania, Loch ness monster, Polyxena, and Ran
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Aug. 17th, 2017



Seriously, anyone wanting to play a trio of Jules Verne, HG Wells and Edgar Allan Poe with me? For reasons (Verne hated Wells, and LOVED Poe who was nonplussed)

ALSO I kind of want to play more siblings who fuck (thanks a lot Game of Thrones) SO WHO WANTS TO MAKE SOME FICTIONAL INCEST WITH ME COME ON! I am down with historical characters, mythological ones or mortal ones. Let's hash it out. (I also have King Arthur on hold so if someone wants to pick up Morgause, those could be the siblings who fuck, just sayin)

And maybe come together a bit? Reply on character's jurnals even if you don't know them? Reply with more than one character? The best way to get some activity and interest back from others is to put some in yourself!
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May. 14th, 2017


Hi, loves.

Been really short on the energy lately, so I haven't been around much. Sorry about that and I'll try to be better. I HAVE just advertised again so we'll see what happens there. With the show airing now, we might get some more people.

If you want me to do anything with you, hit me up.
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Mar. 12th, 2017



Wellll shit. From Squeaky:

"If you are having an issue with not being able to see locked posts in asylums. You will need to have the moderator account re-add everyone to the asylum. Please be sure if you re-add the moderator account, you have a separate moderator you can let you back in and re-add you."

We are having this issue.

I think the fastest way for us as a group to deal with this issue, is if I go into all the management pages for the comms and just delete every single person (yay for unchecking programs?!) We would all have to request access again and I would approve those as quickly as possible. But at least it would save you all a step? Having to unfriend and THEN refriend?

Tell me how you feel about this. Group vote? I would feel like an ass just deleting everyone even if it was to help, unless you all knew what was going on LOL

So if you read this and EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN OPINION please let me know you read it? Thank you! <3 I know this is frustrating, but we'll get through it!
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Hi all! I have cleared off our Holds Page and our Player Contact Info page (getting rid of silent players).

The following characters/PBs are now open:

Galatea - [[info]gazeofstone] PB paisha coffey
Jenny Price - [[info]electra_heart] PB yvonne strahovski
Krishna - [[info]govinda] PB sendhil ramamurthy
Pop Music - [[info]star_search] PB lana del ray
War - [[info]ridesaredhorse] PB Jessica CHastain
Vepar - [[info]bringyourships] PB Harry Styles
Bastet - [[info]boubastis] PB ashley madekwe
GerĂ°r - [[info]walledgarden]
Pan - [[info]paniskoi] PV joseph morgan
Gabriel - [[info]tobeanangel] PB Penn Badgely

skylar kergil (previously a selkie) and Simon Pegg (previously a lerechaun)

I have also added our new activity rule to the rules page. It now states: "We have a very gentle activity rule here, in that you must participate in some way at least once a month. This can be in the form of a character's journal entry, a thread (open threads are great for this), or an in character comment on another character's journal entry. If you can't do any of these things, an OOC post in the OOC community letting us know why is also acceptable. This is just to make sure we are not holding characters for players who aren't really interested in the game at all. If this activity requirement isn't satisfied, your characters and any holds will be removed. Please note you do not need to do this with every character you have, just one will be fine, though if you are only posting once a month with one of your characters and you happen to be playing 20+, it might be time to let some go!"

If a long established player hasn't played in a month or more though I would obviously email them before removing their characters. This is more to weed out people who join, their activity dies off, and they are still sitting on characters.

NOW. I will update the holds page and then we will be ready to advertise, YAY
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Mar. 8th, 2017


Hi guys, another mod post!

First off, Circe and I are making both Lucifer and Metatron unplayable characters (adding to our really short list) though if you have an issue with this, please don't hesitate to email me about it! AND if there is another character you think should be on the list, let me know that too. Obviously not one someone is playing though, that's super mean.

Secondly, HOLDS! Since I am fully in Spring cleaning mode (even though I live in the Southern hemisphere and so it's not anywhere near Spring...) and we want to re-advertise the game in the coming weeks, I would like everyone who has holds in (including me, obviously) to please visit the page and review it.

If you want the holds you currently have, please consolidate them into one new comment, and post it. Let me know if you want to drop any in the same comment. On the weekend I will be clearing off every single hold that isn't from 2017. So obviously you can totally still HAVE the holds, just repost any older ones!

AND! Thirdly. I will be doing through the Wanted page and updating it as well this weekend, adding all the characters from your comments to the lists (and removing wanted requests from players who are no longer in game), so here's your chance to add to it, if there are more characters you want! Potential players will be linked to that page first! GO NUTS!

And lastly, as proposed by Circe in the previous mod post, we will be instituting a bit of an activity rule. Now no panicking, this isn't for every character (I'd be like SO fucked) it's just per player! Just so we don't have people making a character and playing in one thread and then disappearing, but still being on our lists for months. SO suggestions please, how often do you all feel is appropriate enough to say a player has to check into the game (which will be like a journal post or a thread OR an OOC post saying why they aren't doing one of the IC options). Two weeks, a month, two months? DISCUSS!

(I lied) second lastly, I love you all!
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Hey all!

First off, please refer to Circe's mod post here about fixing up the friends pages and lists! Patroclus had about 772 friends until I fixed it lol. And once that's done you'll be able to view friends only things again.

ALSO this weekend I am going to be removing all the inactive players and their characters from the game. I am going to email them now and give them a few days to email me back, but then I'll clear everything out. SO if you have characters you are thiniking about dropping, lemme know on this post or the drop page and I'll do them all at the same time. THEN when I am done, I will post up a list of available characters and PBs in case people have been wanting them, etc.

THEN. Then I plan on advertising the game in a few weeks and will continue to do so every two weeks as the premiere of American Gods draws closer. I think it'll draw in new blood which would be awesome. If we're going to advertise though, we also have to make an effort to include the new people/reply on their posts, etc. Yes? Good! LOVE YOU!
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Mar. 7th, 2017



*weeps and clings*

A round up of the offical issues IJ had in the crash:

If you created an account after 2/13/2017 you will need to recreate it.
If you changed your password or email after 2/13/2017 your change will have been reverted.
If you renamed your account after 2/13/2017 your rename will be reverted
If you uploaded and userpics after 2/13/2017, your userpics need to be re-uploaded.

If you get an error about a duplicate when posting an entry. Just keep trying until it works, from then on you will be able to post. Apparently this bit is fixed. Some people are saying their friendslists have gone whack as well.

Other people are reporting a few things on the facebook page so we'll see what happens

EDIT: Someone said that the only way to fix problems with the friendslists might be to remove all friends from an account and add them back. Adding them back is easy thanks to our add button, but removing means clicking a million checkboxes. To make that easy you can download something like this for chrome:

You'll have to google for an option on firefox etc

Jan. 4th, 2017


Hey, babes,

Circe is having to fly to Australia last minute to be with her grandfather and essentially the day she gets back she is headed straight out to do her medieval re-enactment Thang. This means she will essentially be internetless until January 23rd. This is impact the cast page updates as well as all her characters. But I know we all send our well wishes with her. The other stuff can wait.

Love you, babe. <3
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Dec. 11th, 2016


Hello my darlings.

I have some sad news. Our lovely Charlie has decided to drop as she has lost most of her muses, and that's totally understandable. I have told her she is welcome back at any time, obviously, as we all adore her! This will have implications for several players here, as she did have plot with a lot of us. SO if you are dropping characters which were tied to hers, please leave a comment on this post with the character name, journal, and PB and I will take care of them all at once. As for the characters she had, here is a list:

Amidio Maynard - [[info]foxydevil]
Anne Bonny - [[info]burnishedgold]
Asclepius - [[info]washawaypoison]
Ariadne - [[info]drowningingrace]
Clio - [[info]famdedhistory]
Daphne - [[info]laureltree]
Death - [[info]a_note_unsaid]
Deirdre of the Sorrows - [[info]depthofsorrow]
Delilah - [[info]darkdelilah]
Elpis - [[info]done_by_hope]
Esther - [[info]exquisiteblest]
Eupheme - [[info]praise_worthy]
Hades - [[info]unseenone]
Hati - [[info]hatefulwolf]
Hecate - [[info]torchywitch]
Hera - [[info]forbrokenglass]
Huitzilopochtli - [[info]bluehummingbird]
Katharina Lowsley - [[info]shades_of_fate]
Kellan/Grey Cat - [[info]comingupwild]
Lucifer - [[info]dawnstar]
Prometheus - [[info]firestealer]
Richard the Lionheart - [[info]heartoflion]
Rosalind Mattersey - [[info]shelteredrose]
Set - [[info]desertstorm]
Thanatos - [[info]a_gentle_death]
Theseus Stavros - [[info]shining_armor]
Veronica Reppyi - [[info]vreppyi]

I will be picking up Grey Cat and Kat Lowsley as NPCs as well as Clio and Deirdre of the Sorrows as main characters (all same PBs), as they have ongoing plot with my characters. If any of you would like to pick up one of hers directly tied to yours as an NPC, let me know.

Please consider letting others pick up the ones related to their characters FIRST before holding any of them. Same with PBs. Lets consider these PBs still taken (by these characters) until people have decided what they are doing. THEN we can remove them from the lists and open them back up. IE, let Liz consider picking Veronica Reppyi up as an NPC, since she plays Veronica's sister, before rushing to hold Keira Knightley as a PB.

Love you all, my dear ones.
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Oct. 25th, 2016



I have an idea for a game-wide plot on Halloween, if people are interested.

My idea is that from Sundown on October 31st until Sunup on November 1st, for every character who WANTS to participate, the darkness (including dreams) will range from disconcerting to hiding their greatest fear within.

Essentially I figure our precious dreamweavers (So Phantasos and Phobetor, not that I discussed this with Liz yet OOP but we can figure out a different way if it's not cool) get kind of supercharged on that night and the entire city gets whammied with bad dreams/anxiety. So if the character's greatest fear is being alone, in the dark they would feel insanely lonely. They might dream about being the only person in the world. Things like that. So it has a vast range of ways it can play out. And you know. If they figure out it's the dark doing it, they can turn on the lights. It's less helpful if they're asleep and dreaming though.

Let me know your thoughts?
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Sep. 16th, 2016


Hey my babes! I'm on the road in Ireland right now! We're heading for Waterford and then back to Dublin tomorrow. Anyway the point of my writing is to let you know that my nephew, Rowan is going to join and play a selkie at first. He's fifteen so make sure that any smut and the like gets well marked on the warnings so he can avoid it. But when he joins, give him a warm welcome, he's amazing and a great writer!

I am going to write so much Patrick when I get some time...
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Sep. 6th, 2016



My life lately has been !!!!!!!!!!!! But today my partner and I got an offer for a house accepted so HOPEFULLY we'll have a new home soon. But ALSO I am leaving the country for a trip to Ireland with the fam in three days, so like I said !!!!!!!!

So replies have been thin on the ground and will be for the next few weeks. When I get home I am hoping to move into our new house and then I don't have to spend my entire weekend househunting which is FUCKING EXHAUSTING. Like I can't even. I CANNOT EVEN.

New house is a minute's walk away from the ocean. I am so fucking happy, yo. And once I settle in I can write replies from my new porch while listening to the waves in the background omggggg. I am so sorry I have been non-existent for a while. I know it's shitty but with my chronic fatigue all my energy has been open houses and small talk and forms and insurance and !!!!!! And also hey packing. And hotels. And flights. And.

Ahem. I think I have made my point. Hope to be back in form in October. WE SHOULD DO A HALLOWEEN THING. I love you guys omg. If you need mod things while I am in Ireland, be sure to email Circe!
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