Feb. 21st, 2014



I got school'd really hard and for a long time -- in a literal sense where school became so busy and overwhelming I wasn't even really sleeping -- just after bringing in Pan & Bast, and things have only just now stopped being completely insane.

I am sad I didn't even get to check IJ enough to get myself into V-Day things, but hopefully next time there's a big ... thing ... I can throw my hat in, and for now I'm trying to ease my way back into posts.

♥ ♥ ♥

Jan. 28th, 2014


HELLO FRIENDS. I, Rue, am back from the longest unplanned hiatus ever -- the beginning of the year was a bit nuts, then I went to North Carolina for a week, then I got stuck at my parents' for a week and then school started -- with two new characters. Whose apps I had done on around the second of January.

Neither of them have nice layouts because I have not had lots of time (this semester is a soul suck; I swear I'm really 25 and have been in college for seven years, I am just tired) but they do have profiles up. So:

Bastet ([info]boubastis), Egyptian protector goddess and cat extraordinaire. She's been in NYC a while rocking things as a veterinarian for the NYCACC for a while. She has boundless energy and a lot of social clout and loves friends.

Pan ([info]paniskoi) the goatface Greek god of a lot (wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, theatrical criticism) has also been around for a bit but he's kept to himself away from the gods. He works at Tisch School for the Arts and has also been on and off Broadway as Emil Katsaros, so characters may or may not have been more aware of him than not.

I also have Gerd ([info]walledgarden) and will be bringing in Epimetheus and a wonderful mortal (who I would love all the storylines of because she's a retooling of one of my favorite characters) within the next couple o fweeks, so if anyone wants things, please let me know, because I want all the things. :)

(Angela, I am so sorry I missed your time off school but if you'd like me to throw up a log start with Pan in the park so Echo can spot him and then he can give her a flower or something along those lines, I am happy to!)

PS Basically everyone has Tumblr, and I do not have any of you on my tumblr, so mine is iatrogenic if you'd like to follow me and vice versa!

Overtired girl is shutting up now. ♥

Dec. 22nd, 2013


Um, hello!

My name is Rue, and I'm new. (And yes, those things do rhyme.) I have known Lara for what feels like approximately forever and a half years, and have been sort of side-eye stalking Nevermore for at least the past six months or so, being repeatedly intrigued but then scared off when all the mythological characters I usually play/PBs I'm used to are taken. And thennnnn I decided to bite the bullet and play anyway!

So I come with GerĂ°r of Norse fame! She is currently working in Brooklyn as one of the lead compounding pharmacists at HM which is actually a pretty awesome place. She has not been in the NY area long and would love friends and to chat with some old family/friends too~ Her profile is a pretty good profile, and I will also make her post later though perhaps not tonight depending on what is up with my brain. Plots of all kinds are good, though I may have someone else who wants to bring in her husband! I sometimes come to games followed by at least one person, sometimes two (an SO and a BFF).

I am incredibly anxious and socially awkward and nervous, though you can IM me at emptysellasyndrome and/or email me at wingshaped@gmail if you so choose (IJ comments are also fun) and I will try not to be massively awkward kind of like this post is, I would love to be friends with you all lots. My timezone is US EST and I actually live in New York and am a native of the city (though I'm up north for university) so if I end up putting too much local flavor into my RP and nobody knows what I'm talking about or it's annoying you please feel free to kick me.

it is also incredibly strange for me to have only one character in a game; my average number is something like thirty. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ENABLE ME, especially for MEN as I have ideas for two mortal girls and an Egyptian goddess and absolutely no ideas for male characters whatsoever! but in general, I always want to complete your lines, so consider me the easiest.