Jan. 22nd, 2013



I've thought a while about it, but I've come to the decision that it's the best for me to drop Hemera and Nekomata. I just don't know what to do with them anymore and I think this is the best solution. However, I will keep my Tumblrbaby and she's always there for logs and lines and whatever you need~

♥ Miri

Dec. 24th, 2012


Hello guys,

It's Miri with character nr. 3! I bring you Nekomata, the mean Japanese trickster cat, who goes by Neko Kaneda. She is between 21 and 25 years old (whatever she feels like telling people) and works as main gig booker for her brother's restaurants/bars/clubs. That being said, Neko and Tanuki (who will be intro'd soon, I think) pretend to be siblings and own a theme park (among other things).

Neko is painfully blunt, ambitious and freedom-loving. Orders she hates and wants to be her own boss. She loves playing tricks on people and doesn't take most things seriously. You can find more about her here~

K, are you still up for the fwb-thing between her and Cain? She has been living in New York for about 10-ish years by now, so give me everything. Friends, enemies and the like-- I want it all!

I wish you all a merry Christmas ~♥~

Dec. 1st, 2012


Hello kittens,

I just wanted to tell you that I've changed Hemera's PB from Willa Holland to Emilie Nereng~

Have a nice weekend,


Nov. 22nd, 2012


Hey guys, this is Miri with my second character.

This is your much-loved TUMBLR alias Crea Tiva Block. Yes, she is the most special of special snowflakes and will rub that in all of your faces! Girl is a little dramatic and woe betide anyone who dares to ignore her. If Tumblr hates one thing, it's being ignored.

She's working as a model every now and then and runs a fashion blog on Tumblr. Crea loves arts and is kind of trendy and hipster-y, always looking for new styles and trends. She also has lots of opinions, especially about 4chan, facebook and so on, which she will definitely tell them.

More about her is here!

Also. I've forgotten to tell you stuff about me in my intro post. I'm a 17 year-old student, living in a small town in Germany. My AIM is freakingparis (though I'm rarely online). My email address is freakingparis@gmail.com and my CDJ is [info]merelymiri

Nov. 20th, 2012


Hey, all you lovely people!

My name is Miri and I bring you HEMERA, the Greek day goddess. She currently goes by Valentina Campo and studies Dance at Hunter College in NYC. She's kind of a YOLO-person and tries to make the best of every situation. Girl is very optimistic, cheery and loves adventures. Val likes to be around people and could need all kinds of friends!

She's spent a lot of time in Europe and went to New York around the turn of the millennium, looking for her brother Aether. Here you can find more about her!

I look forward to playing with you. Gimme all the plotz~

♥ Miri