Jul. 8th, 2020


Just had to save this somewhere for posterity. Felt very important. Very very funny.


May. 24th, 2017


Oh my God I love this game so much I just want to SMASH it <3

Jan. 11th, 2013


I read LOL-sites a lot and sometimes I save the images to my computer so I can post them here and semi-attribute them to a character. If you characters aren't on here it doesn't mean I don't love them (I DO) it just means I didn't find anything on Damn You Auto Correct which made me think of them. SO feel free to post more hilarity in the comments! A lot of these are NOT safe for work!

And here is the previous post!

You think ancient gods would learn to check their messages before they sent them... )

Sep. 4th, 2012


I am stalling doing my Minos app because I am so lazy right now I feel like writing "his wife fucked a bull, he made this dude make a labyrinth, and then there was a movie called that with David Bowie where he had an awesome trousersnake bulge, okay?!" So instead I did that thing where I round up a bunch of images I collected from lol-websites that could very loosely be about some characters in Nevermore. I mean like...WAY loosely, but whatever.

As ever, feel free to spam the comments with your own hilarious things if you have some, whether they relate to the game or not. It's just a post to make us all snicker!

Come join in the procrastinaty lols. )