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Feb. 19th, 2015


Hey I haven't done this in a long ass time. But as Charlie's need to collect all the Death things expands into pokemon levels, allow me to introduce:


She's probably a little different then previous incarnations, being mostly quiet and has a very neutral outlook on things and life (hahaha get it?) and tends to come off as cold, while she isn't. She just got to do her job you know.

Mortals confuse and amuse her, and she gets along better with various other death club members and probably makes Azreal buy her drinks or flips coins to see who takes that soul.

Oh and thanks Sleepy Hollow she can now make her head come off and she pulls that trick all the time because she thinks it's hysterical.


EDIT ALSO: I forgot but I leave tomorrow for my anniversary weekend (We've been married a WHOLE TEN YEARS HOLY SHIT) and so I'll probably be unavailable until probably Sunday.

Feb. 16th, 2015


Guess whose awful at this sort of thing? That'd be me XD

ANYWAY, plots yes plots? I feel like I've been slacking a lot and just kind of drifting so THINGS YES THINGS GOOD.

(Also in the interest of 'I get a bit bored/I'm a giant NERD' I have recently gotten into trying to make Dragons after characters, in this following site: I've already made a Huitzi, he's on the second page, but if you indulge me in letting me know what you think your person would look like as a dragon I'll probably make it because I'm a GIANT NERD)

Edit: It might be a good idea to show how. Just go here: and it should show you a bunch of options that include type of dragon and colors and whatever shiny bits you want to add to them. It shouldn't make you login but if it does give me a holler and you can use my login. Just don't steal my dragons I guess? XD

Feb. 19th, 2014


Hey guys,

So I don't know why but like half my muses are dead in the water. I can barely type for them and responding to threads is failing rather horrifyingly. I'm trying to fix this but I don't know where the block is so :/

I feel terrible and fail worthy and just asdfdsa. I have ideas I just cannot write them down. This annoys me :|

Feb. 5th, 2014


Hi guys! Guess what time of the year it is?



Well it's February and according to every store ever Valentines is right around the corner. SO! Time for Eros shenanigans again. To explain this to our new people I'm gonna paste my explanation from last year, but this is our fourth year doing this guys! EXCITING.

For those new who have no idea what I'm about, allow me to enlighten you. About 4 (!!!) years go I talked to Ren. I was like 'hey Ren, around Valentines wouldn't Eros be SUPER powerful. In fact, powerful enough to effect an ENTIRE city?' Cue the most terrible idea to have ever been born. We got together and put up an occ notice. Who would be interested to get Eros'ed?

The idea grew. During Valentines Eros would go around the city and blindly shoot his arrows at unwitting targets. Later we decided that he could also pick targets he found 'worthy' of love. It was fun. It caused CR and some epic repercussions. LULZ were had.

We did it the year after, and now this year.

Now if that confused you this is how it works. You go over your character list and decide who you want to be targeted. If you have two characters you just want to hook up SO BADLY (This is how Prometheus/Pandora happened one year. And Michael/Lucifer. DON'T ASK) you put them in a comment and they will be 'established couples'. If you have a character and you're like 'ah hell let's see what comes up' you comment and they go in the 'random' list.

I then go to this site: and I use both the list generator and the sequence generator, creating the best way to randomize this on the internet. There should be a note that this website has a sense of 'humor' it has created some truly unique couples. Now this will only work if I have an even number of random couples. But don't worry! It always pans out. Also if you are wondering how I manage to get no one stuck with themselves I have ways. Unless you are cool with that! The point is to play with others though :D

How Eros' Arrows work, and for how long: These arrows will create a feeling of Love, which has gotten people married, and former enemies cuddling on couches (I'm looking at you Michael/Lucifer >.>). So it will work however suits your character. If you think they will elope with their partner they do so. If they end up in bed in a pile of limbs, also awesome. HOWEVER if you don't think your character would have sex, they don't. Eros doesn't override that. Usually we have this last a day, at the most two.

Most characters will know it was Eros, or someone will say it was because Ah Predictable Greek Syndrome. How we love thee.

Why do we (me and Ren) do this: LULZ and Character Interaction. We all have characters that we are 'hmmm I would love for these people to meet, BUT HOW'. Because of Eros' arrows they will know they are drawn to someone, even if they do not know their names, and will then smooch faces. But Charlie you say, you don't play Eros. Nope, but I have a LOT of free time on my hands and don't mind running the numbers.

Now NOTE: No one is forced to do this. If you aren't comfortable, then it's all good! Also if my explanation made no sense let me know and I'll clear it up. Also! Feel free to comment with names ^_^ A secondary thing. We always try and do something a bit different, but this year we are both stumped. Last year we did lead arrows, but we can keep it at 'Eros is a dick at Valentine's'
Established Couples:
Established Couples )

Random List:
Random )

Dec. 29th, 2013


Hey everyone!

I finally finished Syn here (who does have a gif in her journal), so my CDJ is finally up to date.

Plots are therefor awesome.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Hi guys!

To prove I have no willpower what so ever today I bring three people (Syn is still being worked on). Them being:

Laverna: a Roman goddess of thieves that is said to have been originally Etruscan. She's not wildly remembered these days, but she's got her own little gang thing. She's got some competition/friendly rivalry with Hermes and if you're her worshipper she'll take your kid off your hands and raise it.

Epona: Gaelic goddess brought into Rome and made protector of the calvary, she protects horses and is a fertility goddess. I keep playing her then dropping her and I am planning on keeping her this time D: If you like horses, she'll like you.

Anne Bonny: famous pirate that is getting her lovers back soon. Have her raid a ship. She's pretty awesome and is kind of a rebel.

I also have the rest of my peoples here's because yes plots good. Although I may go lay down here soon. Headaches are awful :(

Dec. 21st, 2013


Hey everybody!

So I'm in the process of apping Anne Bonny (because I have no self restraint and Assassin's Creed happened >.>) and I was wondering if anyone would love to app her BFF Mary Read. These two ladies were the best lady pirates (and the most famous of their time, plus the only two convicted lady pirates during that time) of their era and just kind of bad ass. They kind of personified 'fuck the patriarchy', one by dressing as a dude (Mary did), and Anne just not giving enough fucks to bother with all that.

Anne, Mary, and Calico Jack (also a dude I'd love to see) were basically this three man trio of piraty doom. And I'm like 90% were in one hell of a threesome because BOTH Mary and Anne said to be pregnant from Calico. SO PIRATE TRIO OH YEAAAAAAAAAH.

Anyway Jack and MAry both died in prison (which makes Anne sad) and she'd love to see them both. We can hash out if they were together, the three of them, but considering how close Mary and Anne supposedly were it would not shock me.

SO YES. PIRATES. Also I updated my cast list if anyone wants to poke at any of them. Except obviously Laverna, Syn, Epona, and Anne. They have yet to be apped.


Nov. 11th, 2013


Hey guys!

According to the IJ Facebook page, the new servers are being booted up. Nothing has been said when they'll transfer, save that it'll be soon, but the admin has said that he's worried about losing customized styles and icons. It shouldn't be an issue, but he's still concerned.

So, Imma go save my styles/icons just in case. I'm not sure how many of you watch the IJ page, but I figured I'd let you guys know.

(Also plots, yesssssss. Plus I wanted to use an icon that literally has NO USE, save for feeding my desire to see pretty guys)

EDIT: Also in case anyone (Like me)is all 'urg so many icons ;_;' Journal Watcher offers an Archive service here. They zip it for you, then send you an email with the link. Do be warned this link erases itself in 72 hours. I just tried it on Jorg and it sends all the icons, plus the keywords you used for them. Super helpful.

Oct. 19th, 2013


Hey so I am not seeing a bunch of icons. Is this me, or a common thing?

Oct. 14th, 2013


Hey all,

Bringing Tiamat and Ariel back for fun and profit. Plots are awesome as ever.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Hey awesome people!

You know how occasionally characters (mostly immortals) will get injured or what have you and be all 'man mortal doctors would freak so much D:'? And how they are all 'immortal doctors would be A+'?

Well I fixed that. Meet Aesculapius. Son of Apollo, and kick ass healer. Until he raised the dead. Which, by the way, don't. Apparently it translates to lightning bolt to the face (hi ZOOS). He got put as a constellation, then got made into a god because Apollo apparently pouted at Zeus long enough to get his kid a god-position.

He's currently running a practice aimed for immortals and mortals alike. Both in the know and not in the know.

Also I will put all my others behind this neat cut thing because a few of them could use some interaction.

List Mclist )

Aug. 6th, 2013


Hey gang,

I initially desired to introduce Edgar here, yesterday but then spammers happened and I just went to bed. But here he is again, in time to drink way too much and probably know all the Drugs by name. At least the older ones.

He's broody and a little creepy (and currently hating John Cusack with the passion of a thousand fiery suns)and stuck between self pity and arrogance half the time. And the movie The Raven has him currently convinced he was busy solving crimes inspired by his work even though he knows that never happened.

He's fun, he likes friends. He'll write poems about you and not get that's vaguely creepy. Plots are good yessssss.

Aug. 4th, 2013


Hey gang!

I return from a glorious and wonderful week, full of tired. But I haven't written in ages so plots are awesome. I set a few things up but it appears people didn't see.

Anyways off to replying before I fall asleep. I may not. I have this silly thing called a schedule now. It's pretty weird.

Jul. 30th, 2013


Hey gang,

Just a note that I will be out of town starting tomorrow and will return to you all on August 4. I'll have my phone and I'll see about taking either my laptop or Kindle but if I'm slow or not posting much it's because I am either sleeping or busy pretending I'm capable of being social.

(For those who care, it's my annual weekly Egyptian Gods Gathering celebrating the new year.)

(Also I have dropped Envy, Anubis, and Vlad. I just couldn't get their voices :| Apologies)

Jul. 16th, 2013


Hey guys you know what we haven't had in a while?

A Meme :D

So if people want to join in, that'd be neat :D

Rules are simple:

Give me (in this case meaning all players) one of your characters and one of mine. I will write a love note from mine to yours.

 photo tumblr_lzlxin1hnp1qieqzo.gif

Jul. 12th, 2013


Stealing idea from Liz, I'm always game for more plots. Lesser used peoples will have a * behind them.

List )

Jun. 26th, 2013


Hi guys!

Further reminding me I ought to update my cast list something fierce, today I bring Opium. I already have some plot with a few people (Hi George, Hi Jacob), and she has some ties to the Drugs (she will cuddle her baby Vicodin something FIERCE) and her sister/lover/daughter Heroin should also be here soon, BUT I always enjoy plots.

Right now she's kind of crashing Vicodin's couch and poking Datura in between everything so she'd love to catch up to people.

May. 28th, 2013


Hiiiii everybody.

Because I like Rulers Who Do A Lot, I decided to app Vlad here. That, and you know that whole Dracula thing.

He's not a nice dude and I have some plans but in the meantime plots are good yes.

May. 6th, 2013


Hi everyone!

Because the Muse bit me again, please welcome back everyone's favorite snarky chaos/desert God. I play him a little different then most popular representations would have you believe he is, but that is for Reasons.

I had some previous CR with him that I'd love to keep, and I'll probably try and hammer out something with Anubis, but otherwise: PLOTS.

Apr. 26th, 2013


Hey guys,

Quick little thing to let you all know I'm away for the weekend again. I do have phone+Kindle so I will get to things, just slowly.

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