Jan. 24th, 2013


Hey guys! I've been absent for a week or so now because I was working an Opera... that is all done now and I got a job offer out of it so I'm happy.
Unfortunately I don't really have the inspiration to play Pollux. I tried to find it and well, Jack kind of takes over most of the time. So this is me officially dropping Pollux.

If anyone would like to play with my others, Jack the Ripper, Abel, Cerberus, feel free to poke me.

Nov. 30th, 2012


Hey guys! I will be on a slow-hiatus since I will be without my computer until late Tuesday night.

(Jack the Ripper, Cerberus, Pollux)

Nov. 28th, 2012


And following Jill's intro of her new characters, here's Thirteen with (for the moment) my last character, Pollux! He's Castor's identical twin, using the name Parker Anakes. After having to leave the Marines, he started fighting in an Underground MMA chain and during the day helps his brother train horses. His bio is here

Nov. 19th, 2012


SO my second character out of the three I intend to have here. This is Cerberus. He is a puppy in human form. His human form is a 16 year old boy and he sometimes attends school when he's not guarding Hades in dog form. To normal people he may come off as having multiple personality disorder or being bipolar since his personality changes at a drop of the hat. But what can you do when there's three minds stuffed into one human head?

His bio is here. Play with him!

Nov. 11th, 2012


Hello People. My name is Thirteen. I'm bringing in Jack the Ripper. I'm a Stage/Lighting Technician for a university, so sometimes I have a lot of time on my hands to rp and sometimes I have none for a good solid week. I'm friends with Jill and will likely be pulling in Pollux at some point once Jill gets her other characters settled.

Currently 'Jack' is going by the name James Donston, combinding some of his 'suspect' names is an amusing past time for him over the years for when he needs a new identity. He just transfered into New York as a Medical Examiner for the police. *insert evil grin* To those who are not on his target list, he can come off as very charming and kind of a playboy... of course that doesn't end well for some people who decide to trust him, but you never know you may get on his good side. Yes, he has a good side... sometimes... externally. He still has his British accent, that only sometimes slips into an Polish accent since a lot of main suspects were polish. He is fluent is several languages because of the suspects lore also.

I've set him up with some CR with Agrat, but would love more plot ideas or wouldn't mind randoms of any kind. I am open for most anything and Jack views a city as his playground.